Page 18 of Idol Moves

Jason, who’d been quietly hovering behind Tae Hyun, suddenly stepped up and yanked Min Su’s hand away. “Hey, asshole,” he said in Korean. For all of Jason’s claims that English was his preferred language, he certainly had no trouble swearing in Korean. And Min Su’s shocked expression was priceless. “Yeah, that’s right. You’ve got an audience here. So maybe think about something besides your own ass for a minute.” His tight-jawed grin made him look scary and a little unhinged. “And if you’re looking to bully someone, why don’t you try it with me and see how that goes?”

Min Su’s shock quickly faded as he recognized Jason. His quiet chuckle was low and dark. “From what I’ve heard, you’re not exactly one to talk, Mr. Park.” He turned back to Xiang. “And if you’re still performing, you need to come do your sound check.” He gave Tae Hyun one last withering look before shaking his head and walking away.

A foul tension hung between everyone as they silently stood in Min Su’s wake. Then Xiang shook his head.

“I’m sorry about all that, hyung.” Xiang sighed. “Things are obviously different now.” He took Tae Hyun’s hand. “And I should probably go. But it was good seeing you. And I’m done with Pak’s embargo now.” He smiled and pulled Tae Hyun into a quick hug. “So I’ll talk to you again soon.” Xiang offered Jason a hug as well. “I thought I was good at standing up for myself, sunbaenim. But I see I could take lessons from you. Thank you.”

Jason snorted. “I know how to be an asshole in three languages.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “Three?”

“What?” Jason shrugged. “I grew up in LA. Of course, I know how to swear in Spanish, too.”

After Xiang left, with another promise to stay in contact, Jason tracked down Alicia and sent her to confirm that they were indeed still on as presenters the next day. Tae Hyun anxiously fidgeted as he waited, knocked totally out of sorts by seeing Xiang and Min Su. Everything felt wrong. Min Su was even colder and harsher than he remembered. And, even with the little that Xiang had told him, it was clear that KBR’s war against Tae Hyun came directly from CEO Pak. He’d suspected that was the case. But having his suspicions confirmed was much more upsetting than he would’ve predicted. How could he possibly go up against the CEO of a Big Four label, one of the most powerful people in the Korean entertainment industry? It felt increasingly likely that he’d never be allowed to perform in his home country again, which was something Tae Hyun didn’t want to consider.

Tae Hyun tried his best to clamp down on his feelings, afraid he wouldn’t stop them in time. But he felt the tears starting anyway. Then Jason wrapped his strong arms around Tae Hyun from behind.

“You’ve got this,” Jason whispered in Tae Hyun’s ear. “You’re strong, capable, and talented.”

Tae Hyun’s heart warmed hearing Jason’s gentle encouragement. “I still think I might cry.”

“Then cry. You may be an idol, but you’re a person, too. Let everyone see the real you. It’s only gonna make them love you more.”

Tae Hyun grabbed onto Jason’s arms and squeezed. “Now you’re gonna make me cry, hyung.”

“Then cry,” Jason lovingly purred. “But I’ve already seen the real you. And I love you the most.”


After the roller coaster rehearsal day, the Music Video Awards taping was swift and slick without any major issues. When it was their turn to present, Jason and Tae Hyun went onstage to raucous applause compounded by a seemingly ad-libbed but, in reality, completely pre-planned on-camera kiss. Jason had expected Tae Hyun to veto the idea when he proposed it. But he was surprisingly in favor of it.

“It’ll get people talking,” Tae Hyun agreed with a grin. “Right?”

Of course, the kiss was nothing more than a peck–gotta keep it light for the broadcasters. But they made up for it in the back of the SUV on the way to Raven Wild’s after-party. And the Song brothers worked extra hard not to notice anything happening in the back seat.

Raven’s house sat perched atop one of the lower Hollywood Hills, meaning it offered a spectacular view but little in the way of parking, forcing Seong Hyeon to stay with the truck while he looked for a place to put it. Jason asked Seong Min to stay behind, too. He’d never known Raven to invite any trouble into her parties–at least, not the kind of trouble that required the beefy Seong Min’s presence. Besides, they’d only be a phone call away.

The heartbeat thump of a deep house track poured from the doorway as Jason and Tae Hyun went inside. Jason wondered who Raven had hired to DJ, remembering with a bit of wicked guilt what he and another DJ had gotten up to in Raven’s pool house once upon a time. At least, Jason hoped it was another DJ. He didn’t want to imagine what might happen if he and Tae Hyun ran into one of his former lovers, especially considering how things had worked out with Tae Hyun’s ex. Not that the DJ had been anything more than a makeout session. Or that Tae Hyun wouldn’t be okay with it. But some things were probably best left in the past.

“Hot damn, you guys look fucking fierce!” Raven grinned as she approached the pair in the foyer.

Jason smiled. He knew he looked good in his Kimi Wakari-original award show look. She’d dressed him in a deep plum tuxedo jacket and pants and a sleeveless, cream-colored top constructed of two silk swatches layered and draped x-style across his shoulders and chest like a high-fashion gladiator harness. Kimi had dressed Tae Hyun in tailored, sapphire tuxedo trousers, a color-matched, high-collared, long-sleeve top made from a fine mesh that was nearly transparent, and a flouncy, regency style neck-tie. She’d actually come to Jason’s house to dress the pair herself, then had her photographer do a quick fashion shoot on Jason’s sundeck for posting on social media later. “Not looking half as sexy as you are, Ray Ray. Come gimme a spin, girl.”

Raven obligingly offered a slow turn, showing off a silver mini-dress that looked to have been made from high-end chainmail with a plunging back that fell almost to the top of her curvaceous ass. “You likey?”

Jason nodded. “Me likey. How’s the party going?”

Raven grinned. “Chill, sexy, and stylish, as always. The old Jason would approve. The new Jason’ll have to judge for himself.”

Jason caught a side-eye glance from Tae Hyun, so he rolled his eyes at Raven to deflect. It’s not like Tae Hyun didn’t know about how Jason used to be. But he didn’t need any reminders. “Well, I think that’s enough small talk. Is the bar in the same place?”

Raven snorted. “Ain’t been that long since you been here. Everything’s in the same place.” Then she winked. “Including the pool house.”

Jason playfully wagged a finger at her. “Don’t start with me, girl. If everything’s in the same place, that means I know where you keep the good hooch.”

Raven rolled her eyes. “Don’t fucking insult me. It’s all good hooch!” Then she turned to Tae Hyun. “Hey, there’s somebody here I want you to meet. When I see her again, I’ll bring her your way.”

Tae Hyun politely nodded. “Alright, thank you.”