Page 13 of Idol Moves

Seong Woo chuckled. “I’m getting there. You see, on the surface, it means nothing. KBR has grown enough over the past decade to have multiple subsidiaries and partner companies. Mostly, it’s typical vertical expansion stuff. Buying partial or controlling interests in venues, merchandise manufacturers, distribution networks, media outlets, that sort of thing. That gives them a greater degree of control throughout the entire production process.” He paused to sip from his glass and give Jason a moment to digest what he’d said.

Ordinarily, Jason would tune out a lecture on corporate structures. But he knew Seong Woo would only bring up the subject if it was relevant. And he was paying for lunch. “Okay.”

“The assets they’re liquidating could be easily explained away as operational streamlining or divesting from unnecessary expenses.”

“Could be?”

Seong Woo nodded. “Yes. Or, it could be belt-tightening. We don’t know because it’s a privately held company, so only the owners can see the books. But their deal with your father’s company raised some flags with my analysts. And then that deal fell apart, raising more flags.”

Jason frowned. “Why did the Brightstar deal raise some flags?”

“Because Pak Jun Ho’s never done anything like that before. Ten years ago–hell, five years ago, Pak would’ve sooner sold one of his sons than get outside investors. So we’re wondering if KBR isn’t as financially stable as they’d have us believe.”

Jason picked up his glass and gently shook it, watching the amber liquid inside slosh and swirl. It was his father’s deal with KBR that had sent a blissfully unaware Jason to Korea, where he met Tae Hyun, fell in love with him, and nearly lost him. And it was the straw that finally broke the camel’s back in Jason’s already strained relationship with his father. “So, what? You think Pak needed my father’s money?”

“Maybe. Or, maybe it was the prelude to a takeover.” Seong Woo shrugged. “Like I said, we don’t know. But my analyst team is pretty sharp. Even if they don’t know exactly what’s happening, they’re sure something is happening.”

Jason frowned again. “I still don’t see why you’re bringing this to me.”

“Because my gut tells me that something’s up. The deal with your father, liquidating assets, and the way they’re fighting Tae Hyun?” Seong Woo shook his head. “I figured it’s worth warning you to watch your back.”

Jason snorted. “I mean, I’ve never stopped.” He swallowed the last of his Kingston as he considered Seong Woo’s warning. It still didn’t make any sense. But if Seong Woo thought it was important enough to call a meeting, then–Wait. “But that’s not all, right? You could’ve put all this in an email or a report I wouldn’t read. There’s something else.”

Seong Woo gently sighed as he nodded. “Yeah, there’s something else. Naomi’s been running the numbers for Big Hammer and sent them to me for review. But my conclusion’s the same as hers. At the rate we’re going, unless the tour is successful, we’ll run out of money before the end of next year.”

Jason shook his head. “The tour and album will absolutely make money. If you didn’t believe that, you wouldn’t have invested.”

“That’s true. But the issue is that my investment is limited to my own money. You know my father would never allow me to spend Imperative Group funds on Big Hammer, right?”

Jason reluctantly nodded. While Seong Woo had no aversion to spending money to support a gay artist, the Cho family companies did. That was why Jason’s return to Korean snack food commercials had been cut so short. “Of course. But what are you really saying here?”

Seong Woo frowned. “I’m sure Naomi will give you her version of this speech sometime soon. But I wanted you to hear this part from me directly. I’ll gladly and happily sink all the money I have into this venture because I believe it’ll succeed. And my point is that I’ve pretty much already done that.”

“Ah.” Jason sat back in his chair, willing the server to reappear with another drink for him. Of course, Seong Woo and Naomi believed in Big Hammer. They’d both personally invested in it. Even Tae Hyun had once he got his contract buyout payment. But the bulk of the money had come from Jason. And Seong Woo was telling him that, until they started making money from a tour and album sales, it would still have to come from him.

Hearing that didn’t bother Jason as much as it could’ve. He’d known all along that starting a production company would be a risk. Hundreds of startups like his folded for every one that achieved any success. But those startups didn’t have him. And more importantly, they didn’t have a worldwide platinum-selling recording artist like Tae Hyun. If it came down to it, Jason would mortgage his house and sell his precious Monaco to keep Big Hammer afloat. “Okay. I get it. Thank you.”

Seong Woo nodded. “Good. It’s important that you know I’m coming from a good place here. I consider you to be a friend as much as a business partner.”

Jason smiled. “As long as you’re paying for lunch. But I gotta piss.” He pushed his chair back and stood. “Order me another drink if the server ever comes back.”

“You got it.”

Jason glanced at Seong Hyeon as he walked toward the hotel’s back entrance, shaking his head to indicate he didn’t need assistance. He knew Seong Hyeon might still follow him, but he was more than capable of going to the bathroom alone.

Although Seong Woo’s news didn’t totally sit well with Jason, it also didn’t surprise him. He knew he’d been impulsive to offer Tae Hyun his services as a producer, especially given his lack of experience. But he believed in Tae Hyun and his talents. More importantly, he loved Tae Hyun enough that he would absolutely sell everything he owned to fund his album and tour.

After a quick check on his hair in the bathroom lighting, Jason headed for a urinal and unzipped. He was in the middle of pissing when the bathroom door opened again.

“Well, if it isn’ttheJason Park.”

Jason immediately recognized that voice and audibly groaned. It belonged to Danny Crash, a notorious gossip columnist from theHollywood Hush. For years, Jason couldn’t trip on the sidewalk without ending up in Danny’s gossip blog. It had been the primary reason Jason’s father started buying off reporters and paparazzi. “Are you back to your old ways, Danny? Cornering celebrities while they’ve got their pants down?” He shook off the dribbles, stuffed his junk in his underwear, and zipped up. “Or is this your cruising zone? Cuz I didn’t know.”

Danny chuckled as Jason walked over to the sink to wash his hands. “Nobody cruises the Sunset Grand, Jason. Of course, you’re just a baby gay, so you probably didn’t know that.”

Jason shook his wet hands before reaching for a towel. “I’d say it’s a pleasure seeing you again, but we’d both know that’s not true.”

Danny briefly frowned. “I suppose I deserve that. Honestly, I probably would’ve gone easier on you if I’d known you were one of us.”