Page 74 of Idol Moves

“Are you looking for Woo Tae Hyun?”

The barista must’ve recognized Jason. He nodded. “That’s right.”

“Oh, well, he was in here with his bodyguard a few hours ago asking about that designer that works in the building upstairs. But I haven’t seen him since then.” The barista frowned. “Is everything alright?”

Jason forced himself to keep a neutral expression. ““Everything’s fine. He just lost his phone, and we’re helping him track it down.”

The barista nodded. “Oh, sure. Yeah, it’s not here. Maybe it’s upstairs?”

“We’re headed there next.” Jason grabbed Seong Woo and turned him toward the exit. “The upstairs entrance is where?”

The barista pointed to her left. “Around the corner in the alley.”

“That was impressive,” Seong Woo shared once they were back outside. “You didn’t seem anxious at all.”

Jason shrugged. “Best Actor winner.”

Seong Hyeon, Min Kyu, and a pair of men from Min Kyu’s team had already located the building’s upstairs entrance and were waiting when Seong Woo and Jason arrived.

“The entrance is locked,” Min Kyu shared, “and no one is answering at any of the buzzers.”

Jason huffed. “Break it open.”

Seong Hyeon shook his head. “That would probably set off an alarm, and I’m reluctant to involve the authorities at this point.”

“We could call the landlord,” Seong Woo suggested.

“Or, I could let you in.” Jason turned to see the barista he’d just spoken with standing behind him, holding two large plastic garbage bags full of trash. “I mean, I assume it’s important since there’s so many of you here, you know, looking for a phone.”

Jason ignored the almost unbearable tension in his jaw, knowing it would make him look furious, and forced himself to smile. “I’d appreciate it.”

The barista shrugged and set the trash bags on the ground. “Sure.” She dug through the pocket in her apron and pulled out a set of keys. “You’re Jason Park. It’s not like you’re here to rob the place.” She unlocked the door and pulled it open. “There you go.”

Min Kyu grabbed the door from the barista. “Thank you. And I’d appreciate if you didn’t–”

“Yeah, you were never here.” The barista nodded. “I get it.”

One of Min Kyu’s men helped the barista with her garbage bags while Jason followed Min Kyu and Seong Hyeon inside. Then Jason nearly ran into Seong Hyeon when he suddenly stopped.

“What’s going–”

Min Kyu hissed and pulled a gun from inside his jacket. “Keep him back.”

Seong Hyeon turned around and blocked Jason’s path. “Give us a moment, sir. It may not be safe.”

“What?” Jason craned his neck to peer around Seong Hyeon. “What do you mean not–” Min Kyu was inspecting some fresh blood on the wall next to what Jason was pretty sure was a bullet hole. Jason surged forward. “Damn it! Let me get–”

Seong Hyeon took hold of Jason by the shoulders and held him in place. “Wait here, Mr. Park, sir. For your own safety.”

Min Kyu quietly swore before waving the two from his team behind Jason to follow. They squeezed past Jason and Seong Hyeon as Min Kyu went to call the elevator.

Jason struggled to get free. “Let me go! Tae Hyun could be hurt.”

“If there’s a shooter upstairs, then–”

Since Seong Hyeon wouldn’t release his grip, Jason pushed himself close enough that their noses almost touched. “Do you really want to fight me, Seong Hyeon? Because that’s the only way you’re gonna keep me from following them.”

Seong Hyeon grunted and let go. Jason ducked around him and ran for the elevator, but the door had just closed.