Page 52 of Idol Moves

“Fine.” Jason shrugged. “So talk. But please skip past all the bullshit.”

Yoo Mi dramatically sighed. “We don’t know why it happened. We don’t even know who did it yet. For all we know right now, it could’ve been someone on the guest list.”

“Of course it was,” Jason agreed. “It had to be, considering that your security let them in in the first place.”

Yoo Mi turned to Jason again, giving him another thorough once-over. “Would you please put some clothes on?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable?” Jason chuckled. “You’re the one who burst in here without knocking.”

Tae Hyun frowned. “Jason, please.”

“What?” Jason scoffed. He’d spent the entire day smiling and making nice around people he knew for a fact were judging him for being gay. Or being a foreigner. Hell, he was pretty sure he’d heard someone call him a washed-up actor when they thought he wasn’t listening. He typically didn’t give a shit about what other people thought. Especially a bunch of strangers he knew he’d never see again. But Tae Hyun cared, so Jason had to at least play the part. “Don’t tell me you’re buying all this, too?” He turned back to Yoo Mi. “Just tell us the damn truth.”

“Alright. Yes, Seong Woo’s father told him it would be better if you weren’t here for the time being.” Yoo Mi sympathetically smiled and put her hand on Tae Hyun’s thigh. “It’s for your safety as much as ours.”

Tae Hyun’s brows crowded together over his narrow-eyed look of disbelief. “Are you serious?” He loudly scoffed. “This place is probably safer than the fucking Blue House.” He shook his head and looked away, pulling his leg out from under Yoo Mi’s hand. “But, fine. You want us gone? We’ll go.”

“Please understand, Tae Hyun. This is just–”

“I understand just fine.” Tae Hyun stood. “This is just like the other night. Obviously, your apologies were all bullshit.”

“That’s not fair.”

Tae Hyun barked out an angry laugh. “Not fair? The only reason we’re even here is for your wedding. So don’t tell me about what’s fair when you’re throwing us out on the street.”

Yoo Mi impatiently groaned. “On the street? You have an apartment here!”

While that was indeed true, it was still beside the point. Tae Hyun was right that the only reason they were even there in the first place was for her wedding. Otherwise, they’d still be back in Los Angeles. Jason opened his mouth to back up his boyfriend but was interrupted by a knock on the door. He snorted. “See, that’s what you’re supposed to do.”

But Seong Woo didn’t wait for anyone to invite him in. It was his house, after all. He looked exactly like someone who’d had their wedding ruined by a tear gas attack and then spent the next several hours apologizing to some very wealthy, influential people. And he frowned when he saw the way everyone looked at him. Then he looked at Yoo Mi. “I thought we were going to tell them together?”

Yoo Mi pushed her lip out in a pout that Jason would’ve appreciated under different circumstances. “I didn’t know how long you’d be, so I thought I’d let them know myself.”

Jason snorted. “If it’s any consolation, it wouldn’t have come across any better if you’d double-teamed us.”

Seong Woo frowned. “That’s not fair, Jason.”

“Fair?” Jason shook his head. “You two must have a different definition of fair than the rest of us.”

Seong Woo shook his head. “I was speaking with my father. He insisted that this would be the best thing for now.”

“Your father?” Jason angrily grunted. “Do I have to die before I stop getting fucked over by someone’s asshole father?”

Seong Woo’s expression briefly hardened. “Please don’t talk about my father that way. And you know better than any of us how men like him can be.”

Jason chuckled. “That’s right. I do know. Which is why I don’t accept this bullshit from you. You’re my business partner. You’re supposed to be my friend. And yet here you are, kicking us out of your house.”

“Jason, I–”

“Just go. Let us get dressed and packed so we can get the hell out of here. Or do you want to watch us pack in case we might steal something?”

Seong Woo shook his head. “No, of course not.”

Tae Hyun stepped up beside Jason. “What about my sister?”

“We’ll make sure she’s okay when she wakes up,” Seong Woo replied. “And then I’ll have someone take her home.” He turned toward the door. “We’ll give you time to dress and pack,” he added before leaving the room.

Yoo Mi stood from the bed and reached for Tae Hyun’s hand, but he pulled it from her reach. She frowned. “I’m sorry it’s come to this.”