Page 18 of Rough Play

I've got no response to that.

“Is everything okay?” He’s genuinely concerned. Gently, he reaches out and takes my hand in his. His touch is comforting, yet it still shoots hot desire through me. I never thought I would get involved with someone, but something about Drew draws me close, in ways I hadn't expected. He makes me want things I never planned to experience.

“Yeah, everything is fine,” I reply, my voice trembling slightly as my thoughts fill with what it would be like to make love to him again. And again. And again. I can't keep this man out of my thoughts. “I guess I was just daydreaming.”

He grins wickedly, and his eyes sparkle. The look on his face suggests he knows exactly what I'm thinking about.

“I wasn't thinking about that.”

His laugh is throaty and sexy. “Sure, you weren't.”

My heart races as he sweeps his hand into my hair and drags me close.

My hands slam up against his chest. Not to push him away, though. I curl my fingers into his shirt and jerk him closer.

His lips press against mine with a deep hunger that ignites a series of pleasurable shivers.

When I get a moment to catch my breath, I lean my cheek against his. “Drew, the kids.”

“They're in the breakroom for their afternoon snack.” He sticks his nose into my nape. His hands explore my body slowly and methodically as if tracing the lines of a roadmap that leads straight to treasure. He takes his time, letting me savor every moment of our exploration.

Passion builds inside me, and there's nothing I can do to stop it as Drew's lips move hungrily over mine.Somehow my hands find their way to his hair.He deepens the kiss, and my body melts against his.

Somebody clears their throat.

Fuck. I squeeze my eyes shut hard, praying to the Gods above that some poor unsuspecting innocent child didn't just walk up on us groping each other.

“I see you're feeling better.”

Drew releases me and spins around. “Hey, Mitch. What are you doing here?” He shifts his body weight, so it looks like I'm hiding behind him.

I peek around his shoulder. “Hi, Mitch.”

“Roni. How's the photography going? Getting any good shots we can use?”

I step out from behind my protector. “Actually, I've got some great photos. I think you'll all be pleased.”

“Glad to hear it.” He pivots back to Drew. “I just got off the phone with Noah. He said if you're able to walk pain free without the crutches for the next three days, you can train with the team starting Saturday morning.”

Drew plucks the bars from under his arms and settles them against the wall. He jogs around in a small circle. “I'm ready.”

Mitch and I share a mutual eye roll. I'm happy for Drew. I know he's been out of his mind waiting for the all-clear.

“You need take it easy though, Drew. If anything hurts, you need to let Noah know immediately. It's not worth the risk.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. I'll be careful. Promise.” He makes a cross over his heart.

“I expect a follow-up on Saturday. Noah wants you to stop by his office after the practice. Depending on how things go, he'll let you know if you can play in next week's games.”

Drew is pumped, bouncing on his heels like one of the kids.

Before Mitch leaves, he takes a few minutes to scan through some of my pictures, and his praise makes me stand taller.

Drew and I stick around to help the staff clean up. The sun is setting when he pulls me into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around me in a way that's starting to feel too familiar. Too comfortable.

“I can't believe how well today went,” he says.

“Look how far you've come. I can tell you're feeling better.”