Page 12 of Totally Blitzed


The second I send the text to Jase, I want to recall it. But it shows as read, and I stare at the three dots while I wait for his reply. It was stupid. He doesn’t want to have dinner with me, he just wants his bag. He’s my agent. It’s his job to be nice to me. He probably has zero interest in–

THE ROOKIE: See you then.

Wait. What?I go to text back but realize that would make me look desperate, and although it’s been a really fucking long time since I had anything even remotely romantic with anyone, I don’t want to freak him out. My thumbs hover over the screen but I don’t reply. I need to see him again. I need to know if this feeling is real or just left over from a good night out. I still can’t believe I asked him up after the driver stopped at my place, and for a second, I thought he was going to say yes. But then he smiled that cheeking fucking smile, said he had an early meeting, and told the driver to go. I stood there watching the rear lights of the car until it disappeared around the corner, letting the cool air calm the hard-on in my pants.

I text my brothers in the Trio of Chaos group chat I set up, toss my phone in my bag, and head to the gym.

PARKER: I think I just asked someone on a date.

During the entire drive, my phone is blowing up. I should have flicked it to silent before I got in the car. When I get to the gym, I reach into the back to grab my bag and stay in the car for a minute to read through the messages. Addy was the first to message back. No big surprise. His phone hardly leaves his hand.

ADDY: Shouldn’t you know if you asked a guy out?

PRESTON: How do you know it’s a guy, Ads?

Here we go. This is how it starts.

KEIRON: Big Bro only dates dick. It’s a safe bet.

PRESTON: Could be a chick—there was that cheerleader from Dallas a few years back.

KEIRON: They were just friends. It’s a guy. Totally a guy. So Big Bro, who’s the guy?

ADDY: What did you say to them? Tell us the exact words.

PRESTON: Is this like the time our physics professor asked you out, and you claimed you had no idea that’s what he meant?

KEIRON: Mr. Bashal asked to talk to him about us, dipshits. He thought it was a student-teacher meeting.

PRESTON: At his house at eight at night?

ADDY: Did you actually say, “Do you want to go out?” to this guy?

KEIRON: Mr. Bashal was hot. I only took that class because he was the teacher.

PRESTON: Pretty sure he knew that, too. What was he, like, fifty?

KEIRON: Ageist.

PRESTON: Am not! You can be into any older guy you like, but there are rules against teachers and students for a reason.

KEIRON: Big Bro, tell Pres he’s just jealous cause all the men on campus want to fuck me and not him.

PRESTON: As the only completely straight guy in this tripod, I can 100% tell you that is not it. @Parker, where are you, man? You always do this.

ADDY: Parker, don’t text then disappear. You are as much to blame for the string of messages you see above as they are. Are you okay?

KEIRON: Come on, Big Bro. Where are you? Tell us about the hunky guy you want to hook up with. Is it another player? That would be hot. The guys on your team are so ripped.

PRESTON: Ohhh, is it a player from an opposing team? Is that why you’re freaking out? Time to nail the competition?

I stop laughing at the ridiculousness that is theTrioofChaos and hit reply.

PARKER: I’m here. Sorry, was driving to the gym.

ADDY: You work too hard. A date would be good for you. So why is it you aren’t sure it’s even a date?