Page 16 of Totally Blitzed

I can’t hide my smile and so do the only thing I can and take another bite of my steak. This has to be a date. Ithasto be. There were no candles the last time he made me dinner.

An acoustic version of what I’m sure is an Ed Sheeran song surrounds us, and I’ve had enough. I have to know what this is, but I can’t just blurt out, “Is this a date?”He loosened up while we danced, so maybe that will work again. I stand before I can stop myself and hold out my hand to him.


“Dinner will get cold.”

“Just a short one, then?”

“Here?” He looks around his apartment.

“Why not?”

His fingers wrap over my outreached hand, and he takes a step closer to place his free hand on my waist. I move in until our bodies press against each other. He’s taller than me but by the perfect amount, because I seem to fit perfectly against him, my head resting in the curve where his chest meets his shoulder. I wrap an arm around his back, and we sway in time to the mellow tones.

“This is nice,” he says, and I tilt my head up.

“I should have said yes last night,” I say.


“Last night when you asked me up. I should have said yes. I wanted to.”

“But you didn’t.”

“I wasn’t sure.”

“About me?” He stiffens in my hold a little, and I press my hand against his back, holding him close as I can.

“Strangely enough, no. You are all I was sure about. I was worried about what comes after.”

“I spoke to my brothers.”

“About me?”

“Sort of. I mean, I told them I asked you to dinner.”

“Are they worried about the possible media attention or people finding out your…”


I nod and wait for his reply.

He laughs.

“They told me it was about time I got a life.”

“Sounds like something Duckie would say.”


I shake my head. “My cousin Brendan. We just call him Duckie. He’s actually a second or third cousin, but more like a brother. It’s confusing, I know. Sorry, totally off-topic. You were saying?”

“I think they’re right. I need to start living. So, I did this in hopes that maybe you wanted to pick up where—”

I push up on my toes and bring my mouth up to meet his.

The second our lips touch, heat floods my whole body, and when my mouth opens and his tongue finds mine, the whole room fades away. His kiss is everything I remembered it was. I can taste the wine and steak, and as he deepens the kiss, my cock perks right up, pressing hard against the denim of my jeans.