Page 10 of Totally Blitzed

Was I? Should I?

“Tonight was about you having fun.”

I nod and smile, because what else can I do? He goes back to ordering our ride.

I did have fun. The only thing is, I’m not sure that fun is all this was. I’ve never had a moment like that before, where every fiber of my being was locked in on one person. Desperate to touch them, to kiss them, determined to have them all for me. The memory of the other guys checking out Jase pops into my head, and my stomach churns again. This was not just fun, but it has to be, right? I can’t hook up with my rookie agent.

“Ride is here,” Jase yells over the music, and then he picks up my glass of whiskey, swallows it in a single gulp, and drops the glass and a twenty onto the bar.

I guess it’s time to go.

Chapter 5


IdroppedParkeroffat his place, and when he asked me if I wanted to come up for a nightcap, Imade an excuse about having an early meeting. I crossed a line at the club, and even though I can still taste him on my lips as I walk through my front door, I need to remain professional.

He’s my client, and I have to stop fantasizing about all the things I would have done to him had I gotten out of the car at his place instead of coming home alone.

It isn’t like we’d be the first player and agent to get a little extra close. Not that it’s any excuse. Except Iwantit to be an excuse; I want it to be a green light for me to march back over to Parker fucking Lane’s house and drag him into bed.

I turn on the shower and strip off my disguise. Time for Toby to return to the bag.Crap.I left my bag at Parker’s. I set the wig aside and jump in the shower, letting the water do its thing. The two shots of whiskey have warmed my chest, and my head is spinning with memories of tonight. Memories become fantasies, and my cock goes hard as my imagination runs wild, showing me images of Parker pulling me into the bathroom and pressing me back against the tile wall. I give myself a long, slow stroke and will the fantasy to progress. Parker slips to his knees. Unbuckles my pants. Licking his lips, and then releasing my cock from his grip, he takes me into his mouth and swallows me to the back of his throat.

A soft moan escapes my lips, and I grab the lube from the windowsill above the shower. Not getting any outside action means I’m always prepared for a solo session. I step forward, keeping the water rolling down my back, and once my cock is covered, I close my eyes and let my mind return to the fantasy of Parker’s lips wrapped around my shaft. His big blue eyes look up at me through thick lashes, begging me for more. I fuck my fist, my dick sliding freely, like it would if Parker’s mouth were wrapped around it instead, and after a few minutes, my balls pull up tight.

Reaching lower, I give them a slight tug, my mind picturing Parker’s hand instead of my own. I’ve always had a great imagination, and right now, even my moans sound like they are coming from him as he works his mouth over me, sending jolts of electricity through my body, my cock thickening, pulsing, pressure building.

I see his slightly freckled cheeks flushed pink, and his hungry gaze begging me to fill his mouth with my taste.

I cup the end of my cock with my other hand and unload. Each pulse explodes from me and fills the space between my palm and my cock, surrounding it in warmth as I imagine Parker’s throat wrapping around me and swallowing every drop.

I am totally fucked.

At least the release lets me fall asleep quickly andI don’t stir until Iwake up to the incessant chiming of my phone. Grabbingit from the bedsideIcheck who’s up this early on a Saturday.

DUCKIE: Carter is coming to the reunion, so now you have to come! Please??????

Not the reunion subject again.

Since my parents’ current show closes a few days before the cruise, and their next show doesn’t start rehearsals for another month, they’re going. But I get seasick and hate small places, so the idea of being stuck in a tiny room on a boat for four days with my entire extended family doesn’t exactly sound fun. I’m a part of the Reunion Cruise Group Chat they made, but to be honest, I muted it. Which is probably why I’m getting texts about it now. Last I checked in, I saw that Carter wasn’t going, and that gave me an out, too. Now he’s in, everyone is going to start messaging me.

My phone chimes again.

DUCKIE: I promise we’ll only be in our rooms to sleep, and you can be blind drunk before you get there. The party is on the upper deck, so it has a wide open space. Plus, they have medication on the ship, and you can take ginger—you like ginger. Please? Carter is all loved up with his baker boyfriend, so I’m going to be the only single one there.

He won’t be the only single one. Maybe the only single person under sixty, but still. Not really a good enough reason for me to trap myself on a ship for four days.

JASE: Sorry, working.

DUCKIE: Lies. I already checked. Come on. It’ll be like old times. We hardly hang out anymore.

I contemplate saying yes. Itisonly four days, but then I picture the cabin and the way the waves rock the enormous ship side to side, and my heart rate picks up a little.

He sends me a GIF of a crying rubber duck holding a sign that reads, “All by myself”.

DUCKIE: On a separate note, how many rubber ducks do you think I can smuggle on board?

JASE: You’re not doing that again.