Page 1 of Totally Blitzed

Chapter 1


Thishastobeit. This is my day. Terry must finally want to sign one of the young guys I’ve been telling him about, which means I finally get my own player. I finally get my chance to show him I can be an amazing agent. The last names I sent him were Lewis Stark, Matty B, and Freddie Unez, and any one of them will be amazing. I just know it. I’d be lying if I wasn’t hoping it was Matty B. He’s a hockey player in his freshman year at Boston U, and he’s lightning on the ice, with or without a stick.

I wave to Betty, Terry’s assistant, on my way to his office. She’s been with the agency since the beginning, helping him build it from the ground up. She also loves me and was a huge help in convincing my cousin to give me this shot. Second cousin, actually. My dad is cousins with his dad. You would think that nepotism alone would have gotten me in, but not when it comes to Terry. He’s devoted his life to building this company, and he expects the best, so I have to be better than the best if I want to show him I deserve to be here.

“Any longer and you’d be late. Go on in. They’re waiting for you,” she says, shaking her head.

I take one step inside and freeze. I don’t believe it. Parker fucking Lane. One of the hottest players in the NFL, and by hot, I mean fucking gorgeous. He’s only in his second year but I can tell he could be great. Not exactly who I expected to see sitting in the seat across from my cousin. He better not be thinking of doing what I think he is. Parker Lane has been through four agents in a year. I can’t be number five. Terry said he would give me a real shot at showing him I have what it takes to spot quality talent so I can do my own thing with my own players. What the fuck is going on?

“Are you coming in?” Terry asks, and Parker fucking Lane pushes up from his chair, a wide smile on his gorgeous face until his gaze lands on me and it falters. Does this fucker have a problem with me?

“Can I get you a drink?” Terry asks, and I shake my head.

“I’m sure you know Parker. Parker, this is Jase Thompson. He’ll be taking on the role of your agent moving forward.”

“Nice to meet you,” he says dryly, holding out a hand for me to shake.

I take it because I’m not an asshole, but his grip is weak, and he lets go almost immediately, stuffing his hands into his back pockets.

I get it. I’m not what he probably had in mind either, but fuck.

“I’m excited to work with you,” I lie.

“Have you worked with anyone before?”

“I… umm, yes. I mean, I worked with the team to support other athletes,” I mumble. My cheeks grow warm.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I had this whole speech planned for whoever Terry decided to bring on board. Boasting the deals I sourced for John’sand Mick’s clients, equalling millions in endorsements, but I shake this fucker’s hand and all of that goes out the window.

Terry walks around his desk and grips the back of his large leather chair.

“Jase is our newest agent, but I assure you he knows what he’s doing, and I’m confident this is the right fit…for both of you.”

“Can’t be a worse fit than the last one,” he says under his breath. I’m pretty sure he didn’t intend for either of us to hear it—if Terry did, he’s not letting on—but when Parker’s gaze lands on mine, I raise my brows so that he knows that I did.

He bites his lower lip and quickly looks away.

The speaker on Terry’s desk chimes, and Betty’s voice follows. “Mr. Lane’s car is here.”

“He’ll be right down,” Terry replies, taking a seat behind his desk.

I clear my throat, and my mouth is suddenly super freaking dry. Why did I decline that drink?

“I’ll go through your files and work out a plan for us,” I say, trying my best to sound like I know what I’m talking about. I actually do. I don’t even need the files; I’ve reviewed every client’s information in this place. It’s how I got John’s star tennis player and Mick’shockey god deals they were actually excited about.

“Sure, just call me if you need to go over anything you have planned.”

“Okey dokey.”Oh my god, kill me now.

He stifles a laugh.

“I’ll be in touch,” I say with as much professional authority as I can muster. He gives me a weak smile in reply before he turns and leaves. I sink into the chair opposite my cousin and cover my face with my hands.

“So how do you think that went?” Terry asks.

“Fuck you, cousin. You don’t think you could have warned me?”