Page 187 of Trick

A thin layer of dutiful respect concealed the scandalized tone lurking under the surface. He meant, there was a separate transport for Poet. That arrangement would be the thing to do. However, Mother knew as well as we did. This was the time to set a precedent, one that we wouldn’t apologize for. One small step forward.

Then again, neither of us presently cared what the cavalry thought.

While keeping his focus pinned on me, Poet intoned, “No need.”

To which the man’s speechlessness incited a grin from my lips. “We’re together,” I clarified.

Disgruntled and with a sliver of hesitancy, the knight refrained from insisting and merely genuflected before departing. Poet’s mouth twisted as he bowed with a flourish and swung his arm toward the cabin. I buried my incisors into my lower lip, stifling a chuckle.

Glancing over my shoulder, I committed Spring’s castle to memory. The ivy-laced palace where we’d met. The place where old and new friends resided. My aching chest kept them close.

I would see Posy, Vale, and Cadence again. I would know Eliot’s embrace once more when the time came.

Swerving back, I climbed into the carriage with Poet. He lounged across from me, our gazes locking as the coachman closed the door, insulating us in candlelight and blessed privacy.

Knights swung themselves atop the horses. The line of transports kicked into motion across the isolated lane reserved for Royal travelers. It stretched from the court, along the outskirts of the lower town, and up the hill into the wildflower forest.

Poet and I continued to stare. We paced ourselves, knowing what would happen.

In his face, I saw a hundred expressions. I’d been collecting them over the past three days since we left the woodland bower.

Impatience with me. Impatience to be inside me.

Determination in the throne room. Private humor from across the great hall. Heat in our chambers as he thrust into me.

He infuriated and pushed me. He made me laugh.

He kissed me hard, made love to me roughly, fucked me sweetly.

In my bed. In his bed.

On my desk. Against the wall.

Angry and hectic, we would rush into each other, our turbulent limbs pounding away. Other times, it had been patient—slow, long, and torturous. Our mouths would graze, open and panting while our hips whipped together.

Endless torture. Exquisite depth.

Already, he had taken me in numerous ways. I’d made him climax with a shout, attuning myself to each part of him. Every sound, every taste.

Currently, the trees shrouded us on either side. The instant this happened, we lurched into action. With a growl, Poet grabbed my wrists and hauled me across the divide. I chortled while landing astride his lap, my legs flying around his hips.

Poet snatched my lips in a spine-tingling kiss. I dove into him, clasping my thighs around his waist and parting myself for him. Our mouths fused, tongues stroking in and flexing together. I hunched over his frame and speared my hands in his hair, pulling his face closer and opening wider, desperate to taste him, to drown out the world outside.

The carriage trundled through the wild. The sconce flames writhed. The wildflower forest flanked us in a vignette of muted sages and golds.

Our bodies rocked with the vehicle. My breasts crushed against the jester’s drumming chest. Arousal seeped from my walls, my core rubbing onto his cock, which grew firm and high.

Poet released my mouth on a groan. “I could make you come right here.”

I caressed his flushed lips with mine. “The procession could halt at any moment.”

“I do love risking my life with you.”

“Insatiable,” I laughed breathlessly while combing my fingers through his messy layers.

“And yet I love prolonging the agony just as much. In which case, I shall up the ante.” His tongue flicked over my earlobe, and I shivered as he whispered a promise into the shell. “When next we’re alone, I’m going to fuck you on your throne.”

I gasped, a thrill eddying between my folds. “That would be even riskier.”