Page 180 of Trick

Convulsions sprinted over his frame, his cock so hard and on the brink of unleashing. I wanted him seeping onto me. I wanted his shouts. And so, he surrendered them as well.

Yes. Show me.

His mouth fell open, nearly there, so close.

I dashed my hand up and down his length until Poet tensed—and unleased a string of jagged hollers. They unraveled, inundating the forest bower. His body rocked, and his cock spasmed. Warmth spurted from his slit to my knuckles.

Triumph and yearning converged low in my stomach. As he yelled, I choose that moment to kiss his mouth, taste his orgasm, and whisper, “You’re beautiful.”

Poet’s being transformed, snapping him out of the haze. His shouts tapered to a single, sinful grunt. Before he could finish on my hand, the jester yanked me top of him.

My legs bridged his waist. My thighs split around his hips.

Trapping me above him, Poet emitted another husky noise and vaulted his erection upward. His length plied into me, the force stunning the air from my lungs. My spine snapped backward as I sat on his cock.

The friction shot pleasure from my core to my scalp. A cry shook from my being.

While watching my hand drain Poet, I’d wanted this again. And he must have known.

Poet dissolved into the grass, splaying himself completely. Under me, he twisted his hips and began a deft sequence of pumps. On instinct, my palms flattened atop his pectorals, nails clawing into the flesh above his nipples.

Unable to contain it, I opened myself to the flexing strokes of Poet’s hips. His buttocks careened sinuously as he whipped into me, rousing my moans into an uproar. He steered the backs of my thighs, vaulting them against him until I caught on to the cadence.

Earlier, Poet had done what he’d vowed, kissing me hard and fucking me sweetly. At length, he eased his grip and beseeched me to take over—to make love to him sharply.

I answered the plea. With my hands planted against him, I used the momentum to glide my hips back and forth. My pussy clutched his width, drenching it to the seat.

We sealed our walls together and lurched. Poet casted in and out, his hardness slipping through my folds, abrading the inner flesh. My sobs collided with his growls, just like his cock and my pussy collided—just like we’ve always collided yet managed to fit.

We’ll make ourselves fit.

Poet fastened onto my backside as I moved faster. I moaned in tandem to the swift lurch of his lower half, his waist snapping into me. The groans intensified, so that I could no longer tell which were his or mine.

I leaned forward, caught his shoulders, and rode my folds on his cock. As we bounded into one, chants escaped my mouth, and entreaties poured from his lips. I didn’t know how he managed so soon after his second climax, but Poet’s vigor filled me to the brim. I straddled his lap and flew into him, the pleasure amplifying, tangling into a knot.

Yet it went on, and on, and on. Delirium unfurled around me, the world reducing to a blur.

Suddenly, Poet shot upright. In a seamless chain of movements, he got to his feet, pitching us off the ground. I yelped, my ankles linking around his lower back.

His arms banded around me like iron, securing me to him. With our bodies still connected, he strode to the nearest tree, its branches dripping with ropes of black petals. Flattening me against a column of smooth bark, Poet cupped the back of my head. Like this, he used the foundation for balance and hauled his cock into me.

I shrieked into the canopy, the force of his thrusts jostling me into the dark, blossoming curtain. The tilt of his erection in this position seemed to reach another new area, which penetrated nerve endings I hadn’t known existed. It couldn’t be real, couldn’t be endured.

Still, I bobbed my hips. The impact of my core and his cock ramming together shot me higher, higher, higher into the tree. Several foliage cords sagged over our shoulders, the vines shaking around us.

Unable to stand it, I bunched my fist into my mouth. My teeth sank into my knuckles, because otherwise I would lose my voice.

Poet muttered something and plucked my hand from my lips. No barriers. No restraint. He wanted me to hear myself, wanted me to feel it all.

But heavens. We pounded into each other, his growls beating against my moans.

My joints burned, and my head levitated. I tried rolling my waist more, but it proved difficult with Poet’s body pinning me.

To that end, my chin crinkled. He saw this and smirked through his groan.

Whirling us around, he switched our positions. He skirted us beneath a lower branch and pressed his spine into the tree trunk. “Grab it,” he panted.

I flung up my arms and latched onto the overhead branch. Hooking my fingers onto the bough enabled my waist to move freely. With an eager sigh, I pelted my waist against his, driving my folds onto his upright cock.