Page 53 of Inflamed Touch

Dragging open the fridge, I pull out bacon, egg, feta, spinach, and a red pepper. Then I stomp to the cupboard for spices, and bend for a cast iron frying pan.

His hand comes down, and he eases it free. “Just in case.”

“I should hit you with it. Why are they taking Jay?”

He sighs, sets the pan down, and leans against the table. “Because I need to know who he’s running with, and the kind of places he’d know. He’s safe—”

“I know he’s safe with your enforcer friends.”

“Hopefully, you all can leave by tonight at the latest.”

“Did you hear me say I’m not going?” I pick up a nice, sharp chef’s knife that’s on the magnetic knife strip. “I’m staying here.”

I grab a chopping board, onion, and garlic clove and set up amise en place.

“He told me they won’t let him go even if he wanted to.”

My heart squeezes at that. “So, what are we going to do?”

“You? Fuckin’ nothing. Us? Something.”

I don’t look at him as I take a breath. “Like what, Diego?”

“Like something to get him free. And he might be exaggerating.”

I turn then. “But you don’t think so?”

“I hope so.”


He rubs his eyes. “Fuck, Nadie, I don’t know what to tell you. This is the help I can give right now, and it’s a learn-as-you-go kinda thing. There’s a chance it’s tangled with shit in Dallas, but I don’t know.”

“So, he wouldn’t be safe there?”

“He’ll be a fuck ton safer under De Luca’s watch than here. There’s an entire army who’ll watch out for him.”


“Told you my life isn’t what you want.”

“Did you? Or is this your way of pushing me away?”

Calming down is easier said than done, but I tell myself that anyway. d I try not to melt at how he was with Jay earlier. How he’ll go that mile to protect him makes me see what he could be like as a father, and would we have—

I shut that down.

Jay’s hero-worshipping the three guys. I saw that over contraband breakfast.

Yeah, all three probably are monsters and would be a better father than my brother. And Diego? The best of all.

Shit, I have to stop this.

“You pushed me away, Diego, when I loved you so much. You betrayed me.”

He laughs. “Of course, I fuckin’ did.” But his eyes glitter with anger.

I’m suddenly angry too. Because he did. “I know. You broke my heart.”