Page 51 of Inflamed Touch

“Fuck, I’m gonna fuckin’ come.”

And he does. Hhis cock twitches as he holds me against him, his cum hitting the back of my throat as I swallow it down. When he’s done, he lets me go, and I slide off him, hair free from the braid, freed sometime last night by him.

But this is Diego, and he doesn’t leave me on my knees. He lifts me against him, and the hard, fast, erratic beat of his heart fills me with something like pride because I did that to him.

“Jesus fuckin’ hell, Nadie. I want names. Who taught you that?”

Then he laughs, smoothing my wet hair and tilting my face to his.

“Actually, nix that. I don’t want to know. and I don’t know if I should thank or kill the bastard. Bastards?”

I laugh and bury my face in his chest. “I could say the same.”

“I haven’t picked up any skills from men, Nadie.”

Playfully, I punch his arm, and he takes my hand, threading our fingers. “Nadia . . .” He kisses me then, a long, slow, deep exploration, like he’s got all the time in the world and I’m something to be savored.

Then he finally lifts his head. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

* * *

My kitchen is filled with big, burly men. Two of them in suits, and all I can think about is how good Diego must look in one.

None of these men, not the two in suits. Not Diego in jeans and a black shirt, the necklace he wears hidden, the tattoos on his arms on display, look harmless.

In the middle of it all, eating pop tarts that one of these guys must’ve bought—I don’t have such crap in my house, at the most a healthy oat-based cereal—is Jay, staring up at them, unsure if he should be scared or in awe.

Maybe, I think, a bit of both.

The conversation seems to be benevolent. A catch-up on goings on here and in Dallas, but I’m picking up on another, darker thread beneath it all.

Then he glances at me, and I take a breath. “Jay, go clean up and get ready.”

“I’m not going back to fucking school, it’s dumb. Like you!” He grins at the guys.

Not one of them returns it.

Diego comes up to him and stares down. He doesn’t lift a finger, but the look of disdain is worse than a beating from the way Jay recoils.

“I’ma gonna give you a fuckin’ pass because you had the shit beaten out of you. Normally, I’d point out the humiliation, but they were grown men, so I’m just gonna say that lifestyle with no discipline is chaos, for idiots, and I thought beneath you. However, you’re a kid, so you don’t get to swear like that in front of Nadia. I do because I’m a fuckin’ adult.”

“Not fair.”

“Life isn’t.” Then he pins Jay in place with that ice of a look. “We all learn that, you’re learning the hard way. What you don’t ever do is diss your aunt or swear in such a way that you’re thumbing your nose at her authority here. In this house, in her care, she’s the queen fuckin’ bee. Got it?”



Jay’s up so fast the chair falls and is caught by a speedy Nicolo. Christ, I thought Diego was one of a kind, but they seem to breed them in Dallas. Big, tall, and ridiculously good-looking.

“Sorry.” Jay dips his head, shoulders hunching. “Sorry for that, Aunt Nadia.”

And then he scurries out.

My mouth drops. “Who was that?”

“He’s got a silver tongue, Diego.” Tizio winks.