Page 41 of Inflamed Touch

Now I’ve got a place for them, I see it. Smell it. I’ve known people like this guy and his little group. Used them for information when I’ve needed to.

They don’t have loyalties or follow rules because if they did, they wouldn’t be threatening me after I set my gun down.

So, I hit them where it hurts.


“Y’know, I think we got off on the wrong foot here,” I say. “You wanted my girl and kid and that doesn’t fly with me. You get it. She’s not for sale. But maybe I’ll loan her to you down the track, before we leave town.”

The other professional comes over and covers his mouth to whisper something to the ringleader. There’s a tattoo on his hand. I know it.



This is a real gang, one that’s got power, one that would throw in and use people like this, one who’d use a group like Landers as a steppingstone to get newbies like Jay.

They’ve been here and in other towns and small cities in this part for decades.

“Time to go, sweetheart,” I say.

The girls come over, forgetting their job, to get a better seat. And I use the guy I’ve got hold of and throw him at the two criminals.

The door slams and all hell breaks loose. I duck and spin, using my legs to bring down the guy with the gun. I grab that and crack him over the head, knocking him out.

With the gun as a weapon, I slam it into the next one, who comes fists swinging from my left.

Gold tooth pulls his own gun and I point the one I grabbed at him. It’s a standoff. “You let my prize go.”

“She let herself go.” I keep the gun steady. There are a couple more, but they don’t rush me. Pulling back with the girls like they’re ready to bail. The other criminal puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles.

Fuck. Men come rushing in from the back, and three come at me, a fourth hitting me hard on the head. I take a punch to the guts before I can slam two heads together.

Using all my force, I slam one into the wall with a vicious uppercut. Then I leap at gold tooth, knocking his gun from him, and I lay into him before a chair comes down on me.

I almost black out and slump to the ground, losing precious seconds.

Four of them grab me as the ringleader spits blood and fumbles for his gun. “I’m gonna kill you.”

These fucks left town mostly around when I left. For better pastures. But now the 86s are back, it seems.

“Like to see you get away with that. I know who you fuckin’ run with. I know who half of you are. Fuckin’ 86sers. No-good assholes who roll in the dirt and mud and rough up girls to feel manly. You also sell drugsto kids. Because that kid I’m with? He’s a fuckin’ minor.”

The guy laughs, and it tells me all I need to know.

The others might be 86s, but he’s got ties to Cabeza. I get ready to throw the fuckers off me and teach them a lesson when a gun cocks behind me, and everyone turns.

Including me.




I hold the gun as steady as I can, which is pretty damn steady if you ask me. All the lessons come back, how to hold it and how to stand. Where to fucking point.

So, what if I look like some crazed woman in cloud pajamas? I’ve got a scared kid hiding in the back seat of my car and a damn man who thought I’d just up and leave.