Page 26 of Inflamed Touch

Talk about fucking cliché.

She doesn’t answer, but then she nods, and the smile cracks wider, softer. “It’s under new management, but it’s there. Why?”

Going there now, after the fight, with her is stupid. Of course, I don’t have to go with Nadie, but if I’m going, so’s she.

That place, our old haunt, perversely suits my mood. Besides, if there’s any real underground action happening, that’s the kind of place where deals are made and players go to relax.

It might have new management, but I’m willing to bet it’s still the same beneath whatever veneer’s been glossed over it. Places like that always stay true to their souls.

I hold out my hand. “Coming?”

Nadia gazes at my hand like it holds out a gift, but she puts hers in mine. I pull her to the bike, fitting her with my helmet.

It’s oddly intimate, a touch romantic if you believe in that shit, which, with her, I just might, and we get on the bike.

Riding there with her pressed against my back, arms around my waist, melts the years. My bike back then was a beat-up piece of crap, but with Nadie riding behind me, nothing could ever touch us, and that’s what it feels like in that moment.

I try to hold onto the slender edge of anger. Try and fail.

And that’s a fuckin’ problem.

Because apart from my reasons for being here—beyond helping her, one thing’s obvious.

The awareness and the passion are still there.

I still want her, and I don’t know what the fuck to do about that.

Not at all.



I never want this ride to end.

It thrills me down to my core, opens doors I thought nailed shut, and makes me feel things I’d forgotten, and the things I haven’t—they’re in full flight.

This isn’t just that I’m pressed up against his hard muscled body, the heat of him sliding down into me, and it isn’t how his body is part of the machine. Or the way everything in me thrums down to the core on the back of his bike, wind against me.

The years disappear.

This moment is something that’s burned into me. And it still excites me.

I’m in trouble. I know that.

I don’t care.

I don’t care that he’s not staying that it’s all sexual energy and unrequited passion that flows around us. Right now, it doesn’t matter that nothing’s changed or solved from the past. I just care about this.

It’s been a long time since I’ve taken something joyful for myself, a moment from time. Taken something simple and complex like this and flown with it.

There’ll be guilt. There’s always guilt. Like I’m not really thinking of Jay, that I’m letting him down somehow.

So, I close my eyes and sink into my own head while holding a man I want and know so well. It doesn’t matter how true it is, it just feels good.

He slows and pulls into the lot. I get off the bike with shaking legs, smoothing my clothes, and running fingers through my hair. He takes our helmets and locks them away in the saddlebags.

I take a step to the bar, but Diego stops me.