Page 24 of Inflamed Touch

Anyway, I just got into town, not to win a girl, but to help with two problems. Hers and the one we might have in Dallas.

If there’s one, I need to see how far it goes, how deep. That’s it. Nothing more.

Even if I’ve never been able to forget her.

“But, man, she’s got a fuckin’ dude. He’s a complete douche, but not my place to get in the middle.” At least I’m trying really hard to make sure it’s not.

Since she does, despite the passion still swirling, I might have to forget her when this is done. Not that I don’t think I can break them up. Clearly, I can, I’m not falsely modest or unrealistic about these things.

It is what it is, and I know when a woman wants me.

Nadia wants me.

But say I get her, then what? A roll in the fuckin’ hay? Her moving to Dallas? I almost laugh at that, just like I do at the thought of me coming back to this poisonous town.

She can’t trust me, not really, since she chose to believe Daddy over me. Chose to believe I was capable of all that crap.

Nadia still thinks the sun shines from him. She doesn’t need to have said much for me not to notice. I think the word is idolize. So, how do I set it straight and not destroy the memory of a dead man? Take something precious from her?

If she didn’t know or want to know the truth then, why would she now?

I look up, and there’s the restaurant again, the one I tracked her to.

Christ, like some lovesick asshole, I did a loop of the block.

Nadia and doughboy are still there, talking. I hang back, wondering how to get to my motorcycle without passing them when she shakes her head and pulls away from him. He takes off, and she narrows her eyes, having spotted me.

“Just going to my bike. Loverboy’s all yours.”

She grabs my arm and I shake it off.

“Don’t you walk from me, Diego Fernandez. You did that once, so don’t do it again.”

I round on her. “Bringing up the past isn’t about to help a thing.” With an exaggerated bow, I point at my bike. “If you don’t mind, I’ve got things to do. After all, you summoned me to do your bidding.”

“Wearing a chip on your shoulder way back when would have been understandable, but now?” Her eyes narrow. “You’re a grown-ass man. Act like one.”

“Don’t fucking lecture me. I’m here as a favor.”

A few people move about us, out for dinner or a stroll, or I don’t know fucking what. I ignore them, and of course, Nadia moves closer because she cares what they think.

“Maybe.” She drops her voice. “But you’re also here with an agenda of your own. And why are you running now? Embarrassed you went caveman on an innocent man?”

I stick my face close to hers because I’m dangerously close to feeling that. Embarrassed. And that’s not something that happens often. I almost say he didn’t look that innocent to me, but I don’t. “Didn’t realize you were with Loverboy.”

“Sure.” She nods, crosses her arms and her glare is a thing that could light the night sky. “Loverboy”

But she doesn’t deny it.

“I’m out of here.” I take a step until she slaps me with her voice.

“Your woman?”

I freeze because no one talks to me with that tone. Not anyone. And if they tried, it would be once. But Nadia . . . she has a way of being hard as nails, sharp as a knife, and delicate as spun sugar. Kitten soft.

Fuck me. I need to get laid.

“I thought,” I push between gritted teeth, “he was harassing you.”