Page 10 of Inflamed Touch

“If you suspend me, what’s to stop me?”

“You’re chummy with that art teacher? The newbie? She could be next. Seen you two talking and she’s the bleeding-heart, hippie, liberal type, isn’t she?”

I glare. “Threats?”

“No. I’m protecting the school. The community. You operate something without licenses, it comes back on us. Worse, it draws more of them out of the woodwork. So, no. If you want to keep your job, then disband this.”

After he leaves, I sit at a table in the front café section and put my head into my shaking hands.

Of course, that narrowminded pea brain would be like that. He knows about the issues with Jay. He probably thinks I’ll turn the school into a gang house, the ass.

Finally, I get up, head out, and stop abruptly. There on the pavement, surly as all get out, artfully ripped shirt on and leather vest, oversize jeans hanging low, is Jay Reed.

If he had a cigarette it would hang from his lips.


“Quit bugging me. You’re ruining my reputation.”

“You’re sixteen,” I say as evenly as I can. “You don’t have a reputation.”

“Leave me alone!” He clears his voice. “Anyway, I’m moving in with friends.” He kicks at a duffel bag and spits.

“You need to stay with me as per your parents’ wishes. You’re only sixteen.”


“It’s the law.”

“Fuck the law,” he says, then he turns and grabs the bag.

My eyes zero in on what looks like cling film poking from his shirt sleeve.

“Jay . . .” I whisper, my heart squeezing.

“Leave me alone.” He doesn’t look at me as he stalks off down the main street.

Oh, God. He got a tattoo. I know what the film is for. He just got a tattoo. He’s too young, it’s illegal, and I can’t do a thing.

Could my day get any worse?

I walk home because I need the air, and when I get there, I falter to a stop.

Yes, yes, my day could get worse.

There’s a man leaning against the wall next to my door. Hard eyes on me in his handsome face.

He’s big, dangerous, tattooed with short hair, riding gear, and a close-cropped beard. My eyes are everywhere, drinking him in like it’s a frenzy.

He doesn’t look pleased to be here.

I breathe one word. “Diego.”



My sweet Nadie.