Page 50 of Monster's Property



Iwant to listen to him.

It seems so long ago now that I fought back against Peliel for not wanting a master and wanting to be my own person, but there’s a little voice that trills in the back of my brain when I’m obedient. A part of me that smiles when I’m pliant. I’m good for him, or I will be, and I will take this chance to follow what he says so he’s no longer mad at me.

I close my eyes and turn around, holding my hands delicately over my eyes. This is my chance to prove that this was all a mistake and he doesn’t have to be so angry at me anymore, and I won’t take that for granted.

A twinging pain in my chest tells me that this will be harder than I thought, even though I want to please him.

Peliel is angry at me, yes, and I am frightened of what that means, but that doesn’t change the fact that the sight of him flying down to put himself between myself and the beasts wasn’t a pure miracle and feast for the eyes.

I missed looking at him and his godly visage.

He’s taunting the beasts behind me, voice pitched low. It’s soft rumble from anger and frustration is enough to get me to shift slightly from where I sit. The way he’s talking to the creatures is inhumane and cruel, for they definitely do not understand a word coming out of his mouth. This warning that he’s giving them means nothing in the grand scheme of things and serves only to boost his own ego.

The confidence that oozes from him, though… It’s electrifying, even if I can’t see it.

Maybe I could take a small peek? A harmless look at his holy body just to satiate my curiosity before the fight truly begins. I want to see him at his most powerful and angry and hope that he never looks at me in that way unless it's for my protection.

I think about how angry he was and decide against it. He’ll be furious if I turn around, and I want to be good for him so badly. I want to be praised and showered in love for following his word. I want to be rewarded with his company and his affection.

I crave his companionship like it’s a drug and his affirmations like they are necessary for my survival.

The first yelp breaks through the symphony of goals and barks. I hear bones crunching under a heavy amount of force. The sound makes me flinch. Even though I can’t see anything, it’s obvious that one of the creatures just died.

It was so… sudden, though.

I try to imagine what’s happening behind me, and I can only guess that Peliel has snapped another one of the beast's necks with nothing more than a flick of the wrist. His physical strength is no mystery to me, I've seen him perform miracles, but the violence of it is striking.

Even though my eyes are closed and my back is turned, I feel a warmth on my back. Light shines through my eyelids, making the black background turn red. I think for one insane second that the sun has manifested behind me.

And then I smell burnt hair.

The stench of it makes me gag, though I try not to make any noise. It’s overpowering and even though I must be several feet away from where Peliel is fighting, I smell it like it is right next to me. The smell is then overtaken by the sizzle and scent of booked meat and I press one hand

This is not comparable to the blood-curdling screams that echo throughout the desert.

A shiver runs down my spine at how humanlike they sound in their agony. These are not the screams of a mere stab wound or broken leg, these are the screams of a living creature being tortured within an inch of their life. They are pained howls of displeasure and –

They’re done, the screams are gone. All that’s left of them is the smell of meat and burnt fur that makes my stomach roil in disgust.

Don’t you want to see what’s going on?s cat-like voice in my mind whispers.Aren’t you curious?

I do, I do want to see. I want to see Peliel in all his glory, I want to know what in god’s name he is doing back there to warrant these howls of pain that now continue as he attacks the beasts.

I tense my neck like I have to physically stop myself from turning around. Peliel would be furious at me, and who knows what that may bring down on my own head.

I’m strong enough to fight these urges. I know I am.

More and more beasts cook under whatever light and heat Peliel is serving them until I can no longer smell anything but fire, death, and cooked flesh. There are so many of them dying, but it’s slow like Peliel is taking the time to kill them one by one rather than in swathes like I know he is able to do.

The red behind my eyelids grows brighter.

“Bold little creatures,” Peliel says. His voice is deceptively soft and patronizing in how soothingly he speaks. “I’m almost impressed by your stubborn ways. Were I a more merciful being I might consider letting you go as a reward for your tenacity.”

Another yelp and wheeze. Another sizzle of burning fur and fat.