Page 45 of Dark Fae's Desire

I take pride in my abilities to please women. Elf women of course. I’m nothing like Duke Carmichael. As I softly place kisses along her jaw I grunt, feeling myself getting closer.

The elf’s toes curl as my thrusting increases. Once we hit climax, moans and heavy breathing fill the room. I pull out of the zagfer before standing up, leaving the two elves.

I place my robe over my naked body before walking outside onto the veranda. Pulling out a cigarette before lighting it while it’s in my mouth, breathing in the smoke.

Slowly pulling out the cigarette, I let out a circle of puffed smoke. Slowly looking back, I notice the two servants still exhausted from our session, just lying there. A smirk on my lips, I turn back with the cigarette in my mouth.

See me? Duke Carmichael needs to look at me as an example. I have sex with people who I’m allowed to be seen with.

As I look out at Orthani a chuckle can’t help but leave my lips. How ridiculous can one man be? How foolish can someone be? You are about to be given the throne! Yet you give it up for a woman?

Not just any woman. A human woman! How dare he give up something so precious like having the throne for someone who will just break his heart?

There is no doubt in my mind that everyone here is talking about Duke Carmichael. Nobody in Orthani doesn’t know about him and his human. It’s more like a pet than a human.

As I finally finish the last few puffs from my cigarette I squish it in the bowl until it’s completely out. I walk back inside where the two elves are beginning to dress themselves back up. I remove my robe and their eyes are on me intently. I can't help but smirk at the adoration from not just them but from everybody; it is quite the view.

I place my suit on, buttoning up my shirt with a smile on my face. “If you two don’t mind cleaning up my room while I’m out? I’d really appreciate it,” I say with a charming smile. My charm is the number one thing that gets me what I want.

“Of course, Duke Julius,” she replies, smiling as the second elf fumbles while picking up some cleaning supplies, staring at me. It makes me smile as I button up my suit.

I wink at the elf, which makes her all the weaker. I exit my room with a smile on my face, walking down the stairs towards the front door. As I open the door and walk out, I’m welcomed to streets filled with people walking and chattering.

I place my hands in the pockets of my jacket with a smile on my lips. I greet other people, nodding my head politely while I check the time on my watch. Around nine in the evening, the sky is beautiful tonight.

Finally reaching the main bar of Orthani, I push inside. Passing by every table with people whispering to each other that Duke Julius Rosenfire is actually in their presence.

I keep my eyes on the bar table that I finally reach and nod to the bartender. The bartender asks, “What can I get for you?”

“Shot of your strongest please,” I demand more than ask. However, the bartender doesn’t mind. He immediately gets my shot, which I gladly take in one gulp.

I slap the shot glass back down and reach into my suit, grabbing my wallet and placing fifteen ipin on the table.

Once I turn around, I take a moment to take in every person that's chatting and walking around.

I become preoccupied with checking out two female elves. The women notice me and I begin walking over with a charming smile.

Not really noticing where I am going, I accidentally bump into a much too drunken man. Who of course was approaching the two women just as I was. The man seems to have no plans to take this interaction lightly.

I am proven right in my assumption as the man pushes me, not too hard but hard enough to get me away. He walks up to the women with a weakened stance.

The drunken man proceeds to hit on the women, making them extremely uncomfortable. Anger builds up in my body. No woman should be made uncomfortable.

I sleep with elf women, but I still make sure they are comfortable with me. I’m a Duke, not some sex obsessed predator.

I yank the man back. I say, “Come on, this isn’t proper behavior.”

The man stares at me with a dazed expression as if he doesn’t know what to do with the Duke telling him off.

He just smirks. “I don’t think it’s any of your business pal.”

The drunken man brushes me off, and tries to walk back to the elves. I grip his shoulder and he gives me a shove I was not expecting.

I fall to the floor, feeling a little wind get knocked out of me. I stand up and the man waits with a grin for me to hurt him back.

The thought of just punching him crosses my mind, however I know it isn’t the solution. I brush myself off.

It does not take long for everyone to turn in our direction. Now I have an audience awaiting my response.