Page 24 of Mike

“No ring?” I ask

“Baby, how long was I holding your arms up there?” He takes my hand and brings it to my face. I guess my hand had fallen asleep, but I’d been so turned on I didn’t notice.

“Holy shit. This ring is massive.” I giggle at the ridiculousness of it. It’s almost too big for me to close my hand.

“You don’t like it?”

“I love it, but it probably cost a fortune. ”

“Don’t worry about that.” He pulls me in around the waist and nuzzles my neck. “Just say you’ll marry me.”

“But you’re going to retire and you’re on the verge of getting me fired with all this time off.”

“Ha…fired, quitting…whatever.”

“You want me to quit?”

“No, but you don’t need to be a medical assistant. You can stay home and raise our babies, maybe do a shift or two if it makes you feel better, but I promise you we’re set. Other than the condo that we bought together, my brother and I didn’t splurge on our money. We invested it and capitalized on other business avenues.”

Could I be a stay-home wife? If I was, he’d have total control of the finances, and I’m not sure I’d feel secure.

“Look—I can see that the thought bothers you, and I get why. You feel like you’ll have no power, and that’s the furthest thing from the truth, but just think about it and decide later. Now—are you going to marry me, baby girl?” I nod and kiss his lips, which leads to him pulling me under for another round. It takes another hour before we find sleep.

Chapter Thirteen


Yesterday’s weigh-in went smoothly for me, but my competitor had a fucking problem. He has to cut weight by tomorrow, or the fight is off. He has an extra ten pounds and from the looks of it, it isn’t from loafing around. I’m guessing some sort of PEDs, but we’ll see. I already had my piss tested, and it came back clean.

“All of this, and we might not even have a fight tomorrow anyway.”

“Oh my God, there she is,” Tina hisses.

“Okay. Get your phone recording and hide it in your purse. I want to catch everything she says.”

“Sure.” She sets it up, and we walk right up to the blonde bimbo, who is talking to another woman when the other one points to us approaching. The woman sees us together and blanches. “Excuse me,” she says to the woman, attempting to make a beeline toward the exit.

“Come here, unless you want to be charged with some serious crimes,” I snarl before she gets five feet in front of us. She turns on her heel and comes back to us. “You better start doing some fucking talking.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Stalking, harassment, threatening bodily harm. I’m sure my lawyers can think of a dozen other offenses for you,” I say.

“Okay. What do you want?”

“What sick, twisted game are you playing? I see you’re missing your fake engagement ring,” Tina says.

“Yeah…I was hired to find you and pretend to be his fiancée.”

“By who?”

“Tommy Engles.”

“Did he say why?”

“No, only that he wanted you out of Mike’s life and that he was sure this would get you out quickly. I’m sorry. I really am, but I needed the money. My younger brother just died in a motorbike accident and he has a son who he left to me, so it’s been hard.”

“I’m sorry to hear about your brother.”