Page 87 of Rise To Power

The hour grew late. Tim watched television. I wanted to change into a nightgown and robe. I wanted to go to bed. I wanted Marco to get here because I was starving, but he’d asked me to have dinner with him.

“I’m going to rest for a while,” I said to Tim. “You should order dinner if you’re hungry.”

He’d already eaten half of the items in the basket on the mini fridge. I partially closed the bedroom door, leaving just a crack for a stripe of light to cut across the plush, deep-blue carpeting.

Resting on top of the bed, I propped my foot on a pillow, covered my legs with a throw, lay on my side, and closed my eyes. Oh my god. I had died and landed on a cloud of down comfort and memory foam. The mattress molded to my body. I heaved a deep exhale and ignored the rumble in my stomach.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke to the sound of voices outside the room. My heart hiccupped.Marco. He was here.


At the hotel, we left our luggage in the vehicle. I didn’t want to be bothered with it tonight. As soon as I entered the Onyx, I inquired with the front desk if my wife had checked in. A smile tugged at my lips, knowing I’d soon have my hands on her, my mouth on her, and my cock inside her.

Ant had requested ground-floor rooms for some of the guards. We parted ways at the elevator.

Orlando, Emilio, and Ant, along with a few more guards, were on the floor below me. After they’d exited the elevator, I’d had thirty seconds alone. All of those seconds were spent anticipating my wife.

The elevator door opened to the penthouse. Timoteo stood, feet planted shoulder width apart, his hand on his gun.

Seeing me, his posture relaxed. “Welcome back, boss.”

I cocked a brow and entered the lavish penthouse suite. Technically, I wasn’t Timoteo’s boss. He was Jilani’s man, and clearly close to Santino. That familial connection was the only reason I’d agreed to his continued close proximity to Allegra.

I questioned his allegiance to me but counted on his loyalty to Santino. If he continued with this assignment, he would answer to me. “Has she gone to bed?” It was easy to see she wasn’t in the room.

He slipped on his sportscoat. “About an hour ago. She didn’t have dinner.” He smiled. “She waited for you.”


“Would you like me to remain in the hotel?”

I shrugged out of my suit coat. “No, but I’ll be working from the hotel. If she leaves the room, I don’t want her unaccompanied.”

“Understood. Goodnight, boss.”

As soon as the elevator doors closed, I toed off my shoes, strode to the bedroom door, and pushed it open. Allegra rested on the bed. Her beautiful body curved in an S shape. Her hair fanned out against the white linen. Slightly parted lips hinted at a smile, and her dark lashes lowered over her warm, penetrating eyes.

My pulse jumped, and the ruby ring on her finger created a dangerous pull in my gut. Adrenaline fired through my blood.

“Topolina,” I said, stepping into the room. Electric current skimmed over my flesh and sent heat searing along my spine and into my groin.

She lifted onto her elbow. “Mi manchi, marito.”

My cock thickened as I stepped closer to the bed. “I missed you, too, wife.”

Fingering the edge of the blanket covering her leg, I tugged it down her body. The blanket reached the end of the bed and dropped to the floor.

Her ankle, encased in a black boot, rested on a white pillow. “Allegra?”

What had happened, and why hadn’t I been told she was injured?

She scooted up the bed. “It’s just a sprain.”

I sat on the bed and grazed my fingers over the boot. “What happened?”

“Running near the lake, I stepped wrong and went down. You would’ve been impressed by the way I slid on my ass to the bottom of the hill.”

She shivered as my fingers touched the sensitive skin at the back of her knee.