Page 77 of Rise To Power

I sat, leaned forward in my chair, my forearms on my knees, and steepled my fingers. “My father is dead.”

Valentino glanced at the bodies on the floor. “As is the man who marked him.” He rolled his shoulders. “But not the man who called for the mark.”

I glanced at Ant and Stefano.

“The Bruno family has an enemy,” Valentino continued. “Lazaro was just another pawn. He owed someone big. And he understood ordering the hit would cost him his life. Whatever someone had on my cousin, he wanted buried with him.”


“If I knew, I’d tell you. As an ally, I’d feel compelled to share with you anything I find out.” We both stood. He rounded the desk. “Do you think enough blood has been spilled?”

“No, not nearly enough. Unless you give me a reason to question your intentions, we’ll make it known Valentino Adami has the support of the Bruno family.” I strode toward the door. “I expect your support on all matters concerning the Bruno family.”

Valentino nodded once, walked with me through the house, and out onto the front landing. More soldiers watched the vehicle.

Carmine and Giada remained inside the SUV.

I turned to Valentino. “Whoever ordered the hit will feel secure because Lazaro is dead, as are the men who pulled the trigger. One is on his way to decorate his mother’s dining room table.” I pointed to the vehicle. “The other is in the back of the SUV.”

Chapter Eight


“Ally!” Deidre screeched as she flew into my room.


“They’re coming back. Lanny just sent me a text. They’ll be here tomorrow.”

I scrambled to my phone. Had I missed a call or text from Marco? My heart hammered against my ribs. Two weeks. I ached to see him. I more than ached. Inside, I was tied up in knots.

I hadn’t spoken to him since the night of the funeral, but he’d sent a few text messages. Admittedly, I had begun to wonder if there was some truth to my mother’s words. Had he changed his mind?

With his father gone, Marco could renege on the marriage. Perhaps Giada or Francesca did have more appeal. They’d certainly had more experience and hadn’t learned about blowjobs from porn sites.

I set my phone on the nightstand. Marco hadn’t tried to reach me. I sat on the edge of my bed. “Are you sure they’re coming?”

Deidre chewed on her bottom lip. “Yes, but Lanny just mentioned Emilio. I assumed Marco would be with them, but maybe he’s not coming.”

Either way, he should’ve been the one telling me.

“Maybe he’s going to surprise you,” Deidre’s voice danced with enthusiasm.

I didn’t think Marco was the type of man who appreciated surprises. I considered the time difference. There really wasn’t any excuse for why he wouldn’t have called me. It was close to ten for him. Too early for sleep, but not too early to be in bed.

My thumb hovered over my phone.

“Stay quiet,” I said and hit the call button.

The phone went straight to voicemail.

“Do you want me to try to call Lanny?”

“No. You’ll see him tomorrow.” I stood and grabbed my earbuds.

“Don’t you want to talk to Marco?”

Desperately, but I shrugged. “I’m going for a run.”