Page 169 of Rise To Power


Light from the police cars glinted in the eyes staring from the distance and reflected off the metal rings on the man’s fingers.

I would recognize Knox’s shadow. Tears fell from my eyes, and I choked on a sob. I stumbled, my ribs aching with every step of my feet pounding against the ground.

Orlando stalked toward me. I passed him and rushed to Knox.

Knox leaned against the shed. He held Deidre in his arms. She curled into his bare chest. The only thing she wore was Knox’s shirt.

“Fuck.” His jaw clenched. “Fuck.” He couldn’t hug me and hold onto Deidre. “Are you hurt? Fuck, Ally, what did he do to you? Fuck.” Muscles strained as he held Dee but wanted to touch me.

“It’s Byrne’s blood.” I leaned into Dee, caressing her tangled hair with my palm. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

Dee blinked, tears wet on her cheeks. She clutched Knox. He adjusted her weight in his arms.

“I’ve been going crazy,” he said as he leaned into me.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and buried my face in his neck. The familiar scent of cigarettes and motorcycles surrounded me. I breathed deeply. He was safe, and Marco was here. We’d be okay.

“Ally, you’re hurt,” he said more forcefully, noticing the blood on my face and hands. “I’ll fucking kill him.”

“He’s already dead. At least he will be. Did he hurt Dee?”

“She’s scared,” he said. “The drugs are still fucking with her. She hasn’t spoken. She just cried when she saw me, and she hasn’t let go.”

Knox focused over my shoulder as Marco and the others approached.

I slowly released Knox and took a step back. I turned to Orlando. I didn’t know if he was still angry with me, if he blamed me, but I was so desperately grateful. A heavy exhale racked my body as I sank into his arms. He held me tight as his body trembled against mine.

“Troy…” He shuddered. “Troy didn’t make it.”

I sagged against him, a silent cry burning in my chest.

“We can’t get to him,” Orlando said.

“I’m so sorry.” Pain ripped through me. “I’m so so sorry.”

He nodded. “It was bad.”

“What about the girls?” I asked.

“You don’t want to know.” He tried to wipe blood from my cheek. “Knox was merciless. I should’ve trusted you. Nothing mattered but getting to Dee. He made enemies of the Irish tonight.”

Stefano and Ant appeared from the shadows. “We need to go. Cops are canvasing the area.”

Tim stepped up to Knox. “I’ll take her.”

Deidre whimpered and held tighter to Knox.

“Nah, I’ve got her.”

Warmth surged through me. Another wash of tears filled my eyes. As long as she was with Knox, she was safe. I knew that feeling—the silent strength and the barely contained chaos.

Marco stepped up behind me, his hand possessively rested on my hip. “Stay in small groups. Stefano, take Orlando and Timoteo to the vehicle. We’ll meet you three blocks south.”

Ant tossed Stefano the key to the SUV.

“Salvatore and Santino need to know what has happened,” Marco said to Stefano. “Allegra and Deidre both need medical attention.”