Page 164 of Rise To Power

“My husband’s whore. Never yours.”

He unhooked his belt, unzipped his pants, and released his cock. “Open your mouth.”

Disgust churned in my gut. Saliva coated my mouth with the vile thought of having any part of him touching me. I spit. The wad of saliva missed my intended target, but the sentiment landed with deadly accuracy.

“Open your fucking mouth, cunt. Or perhaps you’d rather I take that pretty ass. Either way, you’ll be full of cum when I send you home to your husband.”

I swallowed hard, tears filled my eyes, and regrets burned like fire in my stomach.

“Tears will come when you’re choking on my dick. Open yer fucking mouth. Bite me and I’ll put a bullet through your head and fuck your corpse.” His accent grew thicker, along with the girth of his cock.

I closed my eyes, revulsion flooding into my throat.

Bang!A pause.Bang. Bang. Bang.Rapid gunfire shattered the quiet of the house.

“Where the fuck is he?” Ryan circled through the monitors, presumably looking for Marco.

My pulse fired at the same tempo as the rounds of bullets from outside the door.

“The screens are frozen.” Ryan’s fingers flew across the keyboard. “The whole fucking system is down.”

“Go,” Byrne screamed to the guard at the door. “Bring that motherfucker to me.” With his fist still ripping my hair, and his cock still thrust out of his jeans, he turned to Ryan.

My heart pounded against my ribs. Adrenaline mixed with fear in a volatile, reckless desperation. I lunged for my ankle. Hair ripped from my scalp. I slid the cold steel handle of the small two-inch dagger between my fingers.

Byrne jerked hard on my hair as my arm thrust upwards. With his movements, I missed the femoral artery. My blade sank into the soft skin of his groin.

“Fuck!” He released my hair, lunging back.

My knife slipped from his skin. Blood squirted onto my face. Clutching the knife in my right hand, I wiped my eyes with my left.

“Bitch!” he seethed.

“Patrick, I don’t have eyes on Bruno.” Ryan scrambled to help his boss. “We need to get out of here.”

Fear clawed at my mind. If they took me now, I might never have another chance to escape. With wild abandon, I sliced through the air with the razor-sharp dagger, catching Byrne high on the thigh. Blood splattered my arms. My fist was coated with blood, but the small knife was firmly wedged between my second and third fingers.

Muscles burned, but I kept fighting. I stayed on my knees, bracing for an attack from either or both of the men.

Gunfire exploded outside the door.

“Safe room, now,” Ryan screamed.

Byrne grabbed my hair and pulled me.

“Fuck you!” I screamed and stabbed at his calves and thighs.

Byrne stumbled. Blood soaked his cut jeans.

“Leave her,” Ryan begged.

“No,” Byrne roared, dragging me by my hair. “She comes with us. I need leverage over Bruno.”

A thump thudded against the door.

“It’s too fucking late to get out. He’s here. You need to get into the safe room.”

I took my knife and stabbed it into the top of Byrne’s foot, yanked it out, and stabbed it in again. A guttural howl ripped from the bowels of his body.