Page 17 of Rise To Power

“They aren’t in the house,” Antonio said. “Orlando and Emilio aren’t familiar with the area. Where would Deidre take them?”

“Come with me.” I crossed my arms against the cool night air and led them across the manicured grass.

“Allegra.” Marco stopped me, shrugged out of his jacket, and wrapped it around my shoulders. The warmth from his body surrounded me. His gaze softened on me as he threaded his fingers under my hair, gathered it in his fingers, and draped it to the outside of the jacket.

“Thank you.”

His finger grazed my cheek. “Don’t worry. I’ll deal with Orlando.” His fingers slid against mine as he clasped my hand.

“I’ll cut his dick off with my knife if he’s touched her with it,” I said as I struggled to keep up with his stride in my heels.

“Keep talking, topolina. With every word out of your mouth, you’re convincing me we’ll make a good match.”

“My words should convince you I’m not a little mouse.”

I led him through the trees, this time taking the worn trail to the boathouse. Silvery moonlight reflected off the lake. Laughter and splashing sounded in the distance.

We stood on the dock. I groaned.

“Oh, fuck.” Antonio laughed and leaned against the boathouse. He pulled a cigarette from his pack. The flame highlighted his face as he lit the tip and inhaled. “Looks like we found the fun.”

Marco strode to the edge of the dock. Clothes littered the area. I scooped up Deidre’s dress from the ground.

Marco’s voice was low and intimidating. “Get out,” he stated in Italian.

“Relax. We’re just swimming.” Orlando treaded water.

Emilio and Deidre swam to the ladder. Emilio stepped on the first rung to climb out, but Deidre rested her arms on the edge of the dock. Thank god she was wearing her bra and panties. I wouldn’t have to stab anyone—yet.

I approached. “And you thinkI’mreckless?”

“Come swimming.” She stared up at me with those pleading, innocent eyes. “Just once more to remember. You’ll be married and we won’t have midnight swims ever again.”

We both lived under the scrutiny of our responsibility. Faced with the truth, I’d squandered my teenage years wishing on stars for the man next to me.

“I can’t.” I squatted in front of her, careful to angle my hips to keep my dress from splitting and showing my crotch to Orlando and Emilio.

“Just because you’re getting married doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.”

I smiled at her. “Yes, I think it does. You’ve met my fiancé.”

“But he’s getting the washed-out version of you.” She grabbed my arm. “You haven’t laughed once tonight.”

“Don’t do it,” I scolded as she tugged. Unstable on my heels, I teetered toward the edge. “Dee—” The rest of my scream drowned in my mouth as I tumbled into the water.

I kicked to the surface, sputtering and gagging.

Deidre laughed, dodging my flailing arms.

“You little beast.” I was going to murder her. Maybe I’d gut her like a fish with my knife or push her under the water until she drowned. Oh my god! She’d really done it. I spit lake water from my mouth. The water was cold, but I was on fire.

“Allegra.” Marco held out his hand.

“Just a minute. She’s dead.” I kicked hard, surged through the water, and grabbed Deidre. She laughed as I pushed her head under the water. There was nothing funny about this. Next thing I felt was Orlando’s arms around me as he swam me toward the ladder.

“Can’t let you kill her,” he said. “I like her.”

“I did too, until two minutes ago.” I grabbed the ladder. Marco’s sopping wet tux jacket weighed heavily on my shoulders, and my dress clung to my body as my heel slipped on the rung.