Page 157 of Rise To Power

I thought of Marco. God, I was stubborn. I’d lied to myself more than I’d lied to him. Trust had become a weapon for me. He’d wanted me to confide in him, to give him my secrets.

A tear slipped onto my cheek. I thought of his contradictions. The way he touched me, the way he spoke to me when he thought I was asleep, that he needed to be next to me at night contradicted his words of betrayal.

Marco had changed for me. Maybe he’d just been waiting for me to trust in us. We’d both made mistakes.

Then I thought of the times he’d put my feelings first, my needs first. Maybe he would’ve believed me, believed in us… if only I had.

The man who touched me with tender possessiveness was the same man who’d rain down destruction. I needed The Enforcer next to me, the one who made men tremble with his name. Men like the ones in front of me. Perhaps they didn’t fear Salvatore Jilani, but they shouldn’t underestimate don Bruno.

With the slightest movement, I shook my head, hoping Knox would know I was communicating with him. If he interfered, he couldn’t get to Dee. He wouldn’t be able to get to Marco. With his body tight with rage, he shifted back into the shadows. I blinked tears from my eyes.

Patrick Byrne nodded to the man holding me, and he released my arms.

“I’m not trespassing,” I said, crossing my arms in front of me and rubbing circulation back into my biceps. “You have someone that doesn’t belong to you.”

“Ah, you’re too young to have a daughter I’d want.” He walked to the foyer. The man behind me closed the space between us, forcing me to follow Patrick. “Maybe a sister?” He poured a glass of something clear, probably gin or vodka. “A friend?”

I swallowed the bloody spit in my mouth. “My sister.”

He took a sip of the drink. “And this gives you the right to come into my home and kill Niall?”

Panic simmered low in my gut. I didn’t dare glance at the foyer or try to see the second-floor landing, afraid I’d see Knox watching. “If you’ve hurt her, I’m going to kill a lot more of your men.”

He actually smiled. “You’re brave when you should be begging for your life.”

“I’d beg for my sister’s life. Fear doesn’t make me weak, Patrick.”

“You know my name. I should know yours.”

“You should, but I’ll leave it to my husband to make introductions. You’ll want to slit your own throat when he finds out you’ve allowed your man to touch me, and he will find out.” I hoped Knox could hear me, and that he’d understand what he needed to do. Maybe more terrifying than betraying these men, he’d have to get to Marco.

Patrick crossed to me and touched my cheek. “Your sister is mine if I say she is. Perhaps I’ll have you both.” His gaze narrowed on me, as if seeing the color of my eyes and familiar features. “Ah, your sister is my special guest. I should’ve known by the fire. Allegra, isn’t it? How did you know where to find her?”

Hearing my name on his lips made my stomach clench. Shivers chased over my flesh as his vile gaze raked down my body.

“It will be a pleasure to get to know you, Mrs. Bruno. And I intend to know everything about you. Such as how it is you’re here to rescue your sister, and not your husband or your brother. Are you fearless or foolish?”

Foolish. Foolish not to let anyone know where I was, who I was with, or why I’d left. Foolish to think I could save Dee, protect Knox, and keep it from Marco. I’d foolishly endangered all of us.

Patrick set his drink to the side. “Your sister is nothing more than a commodity, Allegra. She’s business. However, breaking you will be my pleasure.” He turned to the husky man who’d held me down. “Bring the car around.” He grabbed my arms. “You’re with me.”

I stiffened.

“Relax. Your husband will be joining us soon. Ryan, make sure the phone is on. I want to make sure the new don knows where to find his lost wife.”


Ant drove to the Jilani house as the stress of the day dug deep into my thoughts. For now, Luca was safe under his false identity and cloaked in the ambiguity of the internet, we’d work together to take down our enemy.

Giada had used Luca to step one of her stilettoed heels into the Bruno family. Not long after, she’d bounced into my father’s bed. I’d always believed I had simply been an insurance policy for her. A transgression to hold over me should I get in the way of her relationship with my father.

At the time, she hadn’t known me well enough to know I didn’t give a fuck. I had my father’s love, and his acceptance. As did Luca, but my father had a desperate attraction to Giada. Ultimately, his failing because she’d fucking killed him.

I’d been blind or perhaps just unwilling to confront my father where Giada was concerned. Yes, his sons were important. Savio was one of them. Giada had trapped both my father and my brother.

That niggle of uncertainty dissolved with any doubts I had of her guilt. Cirillo had said Lazaro met with a woman in Greece. If he’d met with Giada, not even Saint Faustina would show her mercy.

Ant paused at the gate and spoke to the guard.