Page 148 of Rise To Power

“Her phone isn’t pinging her location.” Santi scrubbed his hands down his face. “I have a crew searching the area.”

My mom paced the floor. “Have we checked with her friends from school?”

“What friends?” Santi asked. “All she cares about are her fucking video games.”

A little while later, Cary brought in a tray of sandwiches. Time passed from one argument to the next. Soldiers came in with the same updates. Nothing. She was gone.

And I sat there with my stomach in my throat. I knew where she was. They were all suffering. I should just tell them. Tears filled my eyes again. How could I do this? How could I sit here quietly while my best friend, my sister, had to be petrified with fear?

Another hour passed. Finally, my phone vibrated. I jolted, my heart slammed against my ribs and began to race.

“I can’t sit in here,” I said. “I’m going stir crazy. I’m going to my room.”

Santi nodded and kissed my forehead. Tim’s gaze met mine. I tilted my head, hoping he understood I needed to talk to him. I walked out of the room, past the kitchen, and into the foyer.

“What’s going on?” he asked, coming along beside me.

I glanced over my shoulder, assuring we wouldn’t be overheard. “I need to get out of here.”


“I’m not asking for permission. I have to go now.”

We ascended the stairs to the second floor.

“Do you know where she is?” he asked.

My skin tingled with electricity. I was beyond wrecked. Explanations were going to slow me down, and I was out of time. Knox would be at the corner in a few minutes. I led Tim into my room and closed the door.

“Don’t ask me for details. Just tell me if you’re willing to help me.”

“I fucking knew it. This is why you’ve had me babysitting her fucking computer.”

“Shh. Keep your voice down.” I put my hand on his arm. “You told me I could trust you. Yes, she’s in trouble, and I can help her. But you can’t say shit. You can’t come with me.”

“If she’s in trouble, you need to tell Santi.”

Tears filled my eyes. “She’s in trouble, and youcan’ttell Santi.”

“It’s him, isn’t it? You fucking led the Irish to her.”

I sucked in a sharp breath. “Fuck you, Tim. You can’t help her. Neither can Santi or Marco. By the time you get to her, she’ll be gone, as in sold, or she’ll be dead. I won’t be able to live with myself if that happens. Will you?”

“Fuck.” He raked his fingers over his scalp.

“You and I have both made choices that put us in this life. My friend can get her out. He’s waiting for me.”

Tim closed the space between us. His face a breath away from mine. “Are you telling me the Irish have her?”

My hands balled into fists. “Decide what is more important. A war with the Irish or Dee?” I rested my forehead on his chest. “I’m just asking you to turn your head so I can leave. Marco will blame you, but you’ll be able to tell them you last saw me here in my room. Once they figure out I’m gone, check the security feed. They’ll see me go over the wall.”

A shuddering exhale from him vibrated through me. “If something happens to you or Dee—”

“I’m not going alone.” I put a hand to my belly to quell my rioting nerves. My pocket vibrated again.

“Are you in contact with him? Do you have a phone?”

“Tim, I have to go. I’m trusting you. I know you trust me, and I trust him.”