Page 162 of Rise To Power


Money created an inner circle of privilege. Benefits unattainable by the worker bees content to live in three-bedroom, two bath homes, with vinyl fencing, and Ring doorbells for security.

A toxic fuel of adrenaline slipped through my veins. I craved the scent of fear, needed to feel the life and blood drain from my enemy. I didn’t live in the shadows. I was the darkness dressed in a black suit and reeking of wealth and brandishing power.

Tonight, Patrick Byrne would serve as an example. The Bruno family had moved into the neighborhood.

“Slow,” Stefano said as Ant drove down the street in front of the Byrne estate. “But fast enough not to draw attention.” From the backseat, he stared through binoculars at the location of the phone trace. He spoke into a radio to relay the information to the second vehicle following. “Three soldiers at the gate. Two on the peripheral with AR15’s, and another pacing the front entry.”

Ant drove a half mile down the winding road before making a U-turn. Unlike the Bruno estate in Italy, this part of the city was the upper echelon of money and power. Luca wasn’t my only neighbor. Neighbor being a relative term. Some estates covering the equivalent of several city blocks. Patrick Byrne’s multimillion-dollar mansion sat relatively close to the street.

“Assume there are twice as many we can’t see,” Ant said. “Byrne will be expecting you.”

“Everyone except my wife is a target. Leave no one.”

Ant turned off the headlights a full block away from the gate. At the last moment, he killed the engine and drifted to the side of the road. To avoid the glaring red lights of the brakes, he engaged the parking brake to bring the SUV to a jerking stop.

My phone pinged with the code from Emilio.

Emilio: Smarthouse. Front door is open. Alarms are disengaged. Camera feeds are down for a system reboot. Confirmation on Allegra.

“We’re in,” I said to Ant. “And Allegra is there.”

“Damn, that kid is good.”

Stefano coordinated with the second vehicle. They parked farther down the block and would move in to eliminate secondary threats.

“Once Ant and I take care of the guards in the shack, Timoteo, neutralize the soldier on the porch. Stefano, you have the two flanking the drive. Gunfire isn’t going to go unnoticed,” I said. “Tell the others to keep it quiet as they secure the perimeter.”

They nodded. We were silent as we exited the vehicle. I held my gun in my hand, the high of hunting my enemy only paled in comparison to sinking my cock deep into Allegra’s wet heat. Once I had her, I was going to fuck the reckless disobedience out of her.

I approached the guard. He opened his mouth to speak. Fire ripped through my veins. Time seemed to slow as I lifted my gun, pulled the trigger, and jolted from the recoil. Pop, flash, and my first kill of the night.

The man crumbled to the ground, blood seeping from his chest. Ant discharged his weapon into the guardhouse, hitting the second man in his forehead. He fell forward, cracking the glass, and his blood leaving a macabre trail of death.

During the commotion, Stefano entered the code into the security box.

The third man fired, but in the fear and bedlam, he missed. I didn’t. Brains and blood sprayed the brick wall of the guard shack.

Ant walked next to me, our long stride eating up the distance to the front door.

Pop! Pop!A few more shots reverberated from the darkness. To the left, a man grunted. A moment later, Stefano was beside me, changing out his magazine. “I miscounted.”

Before we emerged from the darkness, the man guarding the door slumped to the ground, blood pooling from the hole in his chest from Timoteo’s rifle.

Ant and Timoteo took cover to the right of the door. Stefano and I stood to the left. Stefano crouched, his gun at the ready as Ant swung the door wide. Bullets ricocheted off the porch. Another whizzed past my ears. I dropped to a crouch.

Stucco on the pillars exploded. Stefano squeezed off several shots, cutting a line through the opening. I aimed over his shoulder, clearing the path to the right.

Timoteo sidled around Ant. Using the door as a shield, he emptied the magazine of his AK at the men positioned on the second-floor landing over-looking the entryway.

One of Byrne’s soldiers had a line of sight on Timoteo. I spun into view, lifted my gun and fired.

“Fuck!” Timoteo crouched, taking a defensive posture.

My men entered from the rear of the property. More gunfire ricocheted in the distance.

Then there was silence and the heavy perfume of gunfire. Stefano and Ant pressed into the room.