Page 116 of Rise To Power

“He needs to be watched,” Ant said, and rested his hand on my shoulder. “His loyalty to you is because of Allegra. He’s protective of her, but not in a way that should concern you.”

“Go to bed, mio amico.”My friend.

We parted ways at the bottom of the stairs. Ant lumbered up to one of the dozen bedrooms on the second floor.

I poured another glass of whiskey. Perhaps I was becoming my father. A ruthless king incapable of forgiveness. Taking the drink, I climbed the stairs.

She belonged in my room, in my bed. I turned the handle and pushed her bedroom door open. Light from the hall slashed across the room. Allegra slept on top of the cream-colored comforter. Soft tendrils of her auburn hair had come loose from her ponytail and framed her tear-stained face.

My father’s words came back to me.

A woman is a beautiful rose, rare in its intricacies, the scent unlike any other flower. Her touch is in the softness of the petals.

Not Allegra. In skinny jeans, a T-shirt, and still wearing her sneakers reminded me of her sheltered innocence. She was young but not naïve. Only a calculating adversary would conceal their co-conspirators. Only my defiant wife would blatantly challenge my authority.

I entered her room and sat on the chair to watch her sleep. Boxes from the Jilani house were stacked against the wall separating the bathroom from the bedroom. Luggage waited, unpacked, in front of the hanging door leading to the walk-in wardrobe.

I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees, with the empty glass in my hands. Already, the room carried her scent.Allegra was Oleander.Beautiful, but deadly. I’d had a taste and could feel the poison slipping through my veins.

Only a fool in love would trust her. I was neither a fool nor in love. I set the glass on the floor, then stood and crossed to her bed.

I’d walked away from her this morning, making it understood she was to be left alone. I’d expected more insolent behavior from her. She hadn’t settled into her room. Did she think I would allow her to leave, to return to her father's house?

She’d made her choice. I’d make mine. I scooped her into my arms.

A soft whimper escaped her lips. Then she sighed and settled against my chest.

“Come, topolina.” I carried her across the hall to my room—to my bed. Some things couldn’t be changed. She was mine.


A mix of emotions swirled together. For a moment, I was in a soft bed, Marco’s strong arms surrounded me, and his cock, hard and tempting, pressed against my buttocks. Words were whispered in Italian. Topolina. Firm fingers gripped my hips. Wetness slicked my thighs.

But only for a moment. My eyes burned as I sat up in bed. Marco’s bed.Our bed.The one we were supposed to share. I pulled my knees to my chest. I didn’t remember taking off my shoes, and I did remember leaving them on because I planned to run. I needed to get to Dee.

Marco had been up late. I didn’t remember falling asleep either, but I knew this wasn’t the room I’d been banished to.

I slid my legs over the side. Feeling a little unsteady, I stood, and my stomach growled. The last thing I’d put in my mouth had been a granola bar I’d found in the bottom of my purse.

A knock sounded on the door. Before I could tell whoever it was to go away, the door opened, and a petite, older woman entered the bedroom carrying a breakfast tray of croissants and coffee.

“Once you’ve had breakfast and dressed for the day, Mr. Bruno request you join him in his office.”

She crossed to the windows and pressed the button to raise the blackout shade. I squinted against the glare of the sun.

The little woman propelled me toward the coffee. “Mr. Bruno doesn’t appear to be a man who wants to be kept waiting.”

I picked up a croissant and nibbled the edge. “May I ask who you are?”

“Romida Grasso, but everyone calls me Romi.” She began making the bed. “My husband is Henley. He worked for the other Mr. Bruno, Luca.” Her lip quivered as she spoke. Stiffening her spine, she smoothed her pressed black skirt over her slim hips.

“Please let Mr. Bruno know that I’m not feeling well?” I couldn’t bear to see the hatred in his eyes again.

“Oh, then you should stay in bed.”

I smiled as she tugged me back toward the bed. I sank onto the edge of the mattress. As soon as she left, I slipped across the hall back to my room to take a shower and wait for an opportunity. I could go to Marco or Tim and ask them to take me to see Dee, but after yesterday, I didn’t need a crystal ball to know my future.

Better to ask for forgiveness, than to ask for permission when the answer was going to be no.