Page 6 of Orc the Halls

“All men are not pigs,” he said. “And there’s a double standard for women and men, and it’s not about equality, not anymore. It’s about taking men down a peg—”

“It’s about eliminating the structures that keep the powerful powerful,” she countered. “You used to have a certain amount of power in society because you were a man. Actually, you still have power because you’re a man, but less. Just a little bit less. And oh, does it sting! And oh, do you complain about it! You don’t want equality. You just want your power back.”

“Power?” He threw up his hands. “What power? What the fuck are you talking about? Look, lady, everything I have, Iworkedfor. Iearned. Trust me, I don’t have any power.”

She got up from her chair and came over and sat down on the couch next to him. “Don’t call me ‘lady.’”

“You wouldn’t like the other word I was thinking about calling you.” His voice was all deep again.

“You really are a dick, aren’t you?”

“Oh, gloves are off,” he chuckled darkly, leaning across the couch so that their faces were closer. “And here it is, exactly what I’m talking about, the double standard. You can insult me, and I can’t insult you.”

She moved her face closer. Her voice was a lethal whisper. “Everything about this conversation has been an insult.”

“No, no, no.” He was looking at her lips now. “No, I never called you a name,lady.”

“It’s Hiljd,” she said, and she was still whispering. “My name is Hiljd.”

“Well, Hiljd, what you need to admit to yourself is that there are differences between men and women.” His gaze flicked to her eyes, and then back to her lips again. His voice had a hoarse quality to it now.

“Isaidthere were differences. That was one of my main points, that because you’re stronger—”

He kissed her.

It was like being struck by lightning. She felt it zing through her, the power of their joining, and her whole body lit up. She could feel her bra against her nipples suddenly, and her pants felt tight.

He pulled away. “Bet you’re going to get real angry about me doing that.”

“Let’s go to the naked room,” she snarled.

He let out a breath. “Shit, seriously?”

She got up from the couch and stalked off. “You coming along?” She did not look back.

He caught up to her. “So, to check in, are you, uh, are you feeling this, too?”

She glanced at him sidelong.

“Okay,” he said, nodding. “Noted. We’re going to play it like that.” He let out another very noisy breath.


THE NAKED ROOMwas not nearly as well lit as the other room had been. Inside, all the lights had been turned down, and the furniture was swathed in fuzzy throw blankets and covered in throw pillows. There were two double glass doors, opening onto a patio. Out there, fire baskets stood along the edge of the patio, stretching off into the distance, flanking a stone walkway. The outdoor heaters that Tom had mentioned were positioned in several places, and the air felt warm, nearly summerlike.

There were more people in the naked room, but only around half of them were naked. None of them were doing anything besides standing around in clumps, holding paper plates of food or mugs of meade.

It was like a normal party, only there were bare breasts and flaccid penises all over.

Hiljd did not know what she was doing over here.

Gunnar put his arm around her.

She looked up at him, indignant.

He raised his eyebrows, daring her to ask him to remove it.

She licked her lips and said nothing.