Page 94 of Wild Love

As he places the casserole on the counter, Daniel’s eye catches on the envelope. A slow smile slides over his lips.

I raise my hands and sign to him.Thank you.

He takes two steps forward, dropping the oven mitts on the counter. When his hands are out of Marti’s view, he silently signs back to me.You’re welcome.

I’ll tell you about Dr. Morgan tonight.I sign quickly.

His response is immediate as he moves his hands too.I’m looking forward to it.

“I’ll get the plates and silverware,” Marti tells us. “We’ll sit down and talk about Dominick and Arietta’s wedding. I love weddings. I can’t wait for it.”

I share a knowing smile with my husband before he takes over getting the plates while he instructs my grandma to sit at the kitchen island so he can serve breakfast to her.



I walkinto the offices of Modica Wealth Management, and before I can round the corner and head down the corridor toward my office, I hear my next appointment crying out.

I hold in a laugh as I divert my path and make a straight line for the waiting room near reception.

Lia is sitting next to the person I rushed here to see.

I watch as her hands move fluidly in the air.Your son is adorable. I think he looks just like you.

I need to thank Lia for taking the time to sit with Romy since I’m running a few minutes late.

Romy glances my way, and a huge smile lights up her face. She gestures to Lia to take Asa from her.

Lia is all in, cradling the infant in her arms.

Romy, dressed in a navy blue suit and a white blouse, stands. She signs a greeting to me.It’s good to see you, Daniel.

You too.I sign back.

Bria was busy, so I brought Asa with me. I hope that’s okay.The expression on her face is filled with anticipation as her hands move.

I’m glad you brought him.I sign as I approach her.Do you want anything to drink? Coffee, tea,or water?

She answers as she shakes her head.I’m good. Thank you.

I motion down the corridor, but she’s busy gathering her son back in her arms.

Lia picks up the large tote bag resting on the floor near Romy’s feet. She passes it to me. I slip the strap over my shoulder so I can keep the conversation going.

Do you want to join us, Lia?I sign before I continue, saying the words in unison with the movement of my hands. “You’re more than welcome to.”

I can’t.Her head shakes.I have an interview of my own to get to.

I laugh, signing so that Romy feels a part of our conversation.You’re leaving us so soon?

She nods, speaking as she signs her response to me. “Dominick found someone to replace Arietta. He seems great, so I’m off to see where I’ll land next. I want to put my degree to work.”

Good for you.I smile at her.I’ll see you around, though.

“You will,” she says as she signs. “You’re practically a member of my family.”

I am a member of her family in every imaginable way, and I hope to openly claim my spot very soon.