Page 92 of Wild Love

“You think?” She pinches my chin. “You know. You know what he likes.”

I know what I like, and that’s my husband. I like him a lot and love him more.

“You were daydreaming,” she says as she takes the bags back from me. “Keep doing that, and I’ll get everything ready.”

Normally, I’d argue, but I want —no, I need– a moment alone with that photograph.

I wait until Marti disappears from view before I turn and pick up the frame.

I study the picture again, flipping it over in my hands.

Taped on the back is a small white envelope with my first name scribbled across it in black ink.

I tug it loose before I place the frame down.

Sliding a fingernail under the seal, the envelope pops open, and within seconds, I have the card that was inside in my hands.

My bottom lip trembles as I read what’s written on it in Daniel’s handwriting.

Mrs. Lawton,

The frame is old to someone but new to us.

The sky is as blue as the water was that day.

The sailboat was borrowed for our honeymoon adventure.

This is your something old, new, borrowed, and blue.

Mr. Lawton

A single tear falls from my eye as I cradle the card against my chest.

“I love you,” I whisper under my breath. “I love you, Mr. Lawton.”

“Gina!” my grandma calls from the kitchen. “I don’t know about your coffee maker. Come show me how to use it.”

I slide the card back into the envelope and tuck it in the front pocket of my overalls before I take one last look at the photograph and close my eyes, wishing this beautiful life I’m suddenly living will never end.



“What smells so good?”Daniel’s deep voice turns my grandma around to face him.

I take an extra second to steel my nerves before I do the same.

I’m still reeling from the photograph and card I stumbled on less than thirty minutes ago. I have no idea when Daniel put it there, but I’m forever grateful that he did.

“You?” Marti races toward him with open arms.

Without hesitation, he hugs her, all while keeping his eyes on me. “Good morning, Gina.”

“Morning,” I say with a smile. “Is that a new suit?”

Marti runs both of her palms down the front of the gray jacket. “It’s a nice one.”

“It is new.” Daniel perks a brow. “I had my guy at Berdine put in an order for two new suits. He got them to me in record time.”