Page 90 of Wild Love

My hand slides down to circle my dick. “Whatever makes my wife happy.”

“You do,” she whispers.

I don’t think I’ve ever received a greater gift than those words.

“I’m honored that you’re going to tell me the news before you share it with anyone else.” I smile. “I feel like a pretty big deal.”

Her hand drops to glide over mine as I slowly stroke my cock. “You are a big deal. I’m a little sore.”

“There’s only one cure for a sore pussy.” I smirk. “Your husband’s mouth.”

“You can’t clean the kitchen and eat me out at the same time.”

I grab a towel from the counter to wipe the bottom of my foot. “The rest can wait. I get to play doctor with my wife.”

“And then I’ll tell you about the real doctor.”

Shaking my head, I chuckle. “That works for me. Should I carry you to bed, or…”

Before I can finish the question, Gina is rushing past me, heading out of the kitchen with her perfect ass guiding my way.

“First one there has to clean the kitchen in the morning,” she calls over her shoulder.

I slow my pace because I’ll handle that and anything else she’ll ever need me to do.

If I’m lucky, I’ll get to do that until the day I draw my last breath.



I swing openmy apartment door shortly after eight a.m. to find one of my favorite people in the world.

“Grandma!” I greet her with open arms even though she’s holding two bags.

She comes in for a hug, resting her head against my shoulder.

“You look so beautiful, my Gina,” she says, tears welling her eyes. “This is the Gina I remember before all the…”

“Social media stuff,” I fill in the blank for her.

She nods. “You bought those in college, didn’t you?”

I glance down at the faded denim overalls that I plucked out of the back corner of the closet in the guest bedroom. I paired them with a short-sleeved white sweater and, so far, no shoes.

I’m going to slide my feet into the worn black leather low-heeled boots that I’ve had since high school.

Since I don’t have any work obligations today, I want to be comfortable. That’s why I opted to braid my hair to one side.

“No makeup today.” Marti stares at me. “Or maybe a little mascara for good measure?”

She bats her eyelashes. She obviously applied mascara this morning, as she does every day.

When she asked me to give her a tutorial on makeup months ago, I told her that she needed to let her natural beauty shine through but that I, personally, never leave home without at least one coat of a good mascara.

Since then, I’ve been dropping off a tube of Matiz Cosmetics’ ‘Navy Blue Bold’ mascara for her once a month since free makeup is one of the perks of the contract I’ve had with them for the past two years.

I reach for the bags she’s carrying. “What did you bring me?”