Page 85 of Wild Love

“Elowen hugged me because we both lost our dads, Gina.” His hand lightly brushes mine before he pulls away. “She lost her mom too. That’s all you saw.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I whisper.

He nods. “It’s been rough for her, but she’s focused on the future.”

“Good.” I take a breath. “Back to that being jealous comment you made. I’m not.”

“Sure,” he quips with a smirk. “Just like I wasn’t jealous when Arietta told me you were hanging out with a single cardiologist who looks like a fucking model.”

“Who told you he’s good-looking?”

Chuckling, he shakes his head. “I looked him up online before I started my shift here.”

I take a step closer to him. “When is your shift over?”

“When I work long enough to cover the cost of the three plates I broke tonight.”

My body shakes with a laugh. “Bring Marti a bouquet of pink peonies tomorrow, and all will be forgiven.”

Tapping his forehead, he grins. “I’ll make a mental note of that.”

I glance toward the kitchen before I level my gaze back on his face. “Thank you for helping her out.”

“Like I said, she’s family, Gina.” His expression turns serious. “Your family is my family. I’m here to help however I can.”

“Daniel!” My grandma’s voice carries over the noise in the dining room. “Your orders are backing up!”

“I’m going to get fucking fired.” He flashes me a brilliant smile. “I don’t even work here, and I’m about to get my ass tossed out the door.”

“I’ll put in a good word with Marti.” I glance at the only vacant table in the restaurant. “I’ll wait for you so we can go home together.”

There’s more meaning behind those words than he might realize, but it’s exactly what I want. I want to go home with my husband tonight. I think I might want to go home with him every night for the rest of my life.



As soon aswe exit Calvetti’s, I’m tempted to reach for my wife’s hand, but I don’t.

We have yet to show any affection in public. I’m on board for it, but I don’t know what Gina is feeling. She didn’t go into detail about the doctor she devoted her time to this afternoon, so I want more information on that.

We start walking down the sidewalk. We haven’t made a decision on how we’ll get home, so I’m going to guide my bride toward the subway. That way, I know I’m guaranteed a chance to hold her hand, albeit briefly, when we board the train.

“What’s going on with you and the doctor?” I ask, trying to keep my tone even.

Gina flashes me a look with both of her eyebrows perked. “Really, Daniel?”

“Really, what?” I ask.

“You accused me of being jealous about Elowen.” She chuckles as she tugs on the sleeve of the blue dress she’s wearing. “I have to start remembering to bring a sweater when I go out. It’s definitely autumn in New York.”

I don’t bother asking if she wants my suit jacket. I slide it off and wrap it around her shoulders as she slows beside me. “Put your arms in the sleeves.”

Nodding, she does it without a single complaint. In fact, she smiles softly. “Thank you.”

“I’d do anything for you.” I glance to my right and then down the sidewalk to the left. “You’re my wife, remember?”

“I remember,” she whispers as we start walking again, navigating around the pedestrians headed in our direction.