Page 55 of Wild Love

She eyes me suspiciously, “You need a favor?”

Under any other circumstances, this would be off-limits and a clear violation of professional protocol, but this is an exception. “I do. I’m meeting a new client on Saturday. I want you to be there.”

Her arms cross. “You want me to witness the contract signing? Don’t you need a notary or something for that?”

I hold in a smile. “You don’t need to witness anything. The client would be thrilled if you showed up with me. They’d love to meet you.”

Her nose scrunches. “Do they follow me on social media?”

It’s a solid assumption since her follower list is growing by the minute. “Yes. They follow you. They’re a big fan.”

“How do you know that?”

“Your name came up in conversation,” I tell her because it’s the truth before I spit out a lie, “They mentioned Dominick, and if I happened to know you, and I…”

“Said you knew me,” she finishes my sentence. “If they follow my work that closely, you’d think they’d seek out my brother for financial advice instead of you.”

“Ouch?” I laugh. “Was that an insult?”

A smile slides over her lips. “An observation.”

“An observation,” I repeat, mesmerized by her smile.

“Daniel,” she says my name before she drops her gaze to the floor. “I think I just need to go get the annulment. It’s what we both want, right?”

It’s not what I fucking want. At least, I don’t think it is. I don’t know anymore.

I pat the front pocket of my jeans so I can feel the outline of my wedding band. “One favor, Gina. Take a drive with me on Saturday for this meeting, and book the flight for Sunday. That’s all I’m asking.”

“A drive where?”

“Connecticut,” I say. “We’ll be back before dinner. Meeting you would make their day. Hell, it would make their entire year. They’ve had a lot going on recently, and I know this would mean a lot to them.”

She weighs my words carefully. “All right. I’ll go with you, and then to Vegas on Sunday. I’ll get the annulment moving forward so we can put this behind us.”

I nod in agreement before she brushes past me and disappears down the hallway.



“You wantme to get in that?”

Daniel laughs. It’s a low, throaty sound that fills the air around us. “What the hell is that supposed to mean, Lawton?”

I shoot him a look. “Calvetti.”

He nods. “Right.”

“Is it even safe?” I step back from the curb. “Do you have a driver’s license?”

Still chuckling, he shakes his head as he steps closer to me. “My dad bought this car as a project for the two of us when I was a kid. I never got my hands on it because I didn’t make the time. He did. He restored it completely, Gina. It may have been driven off a car lot in the seventies, but it’s like new.”

My gaze slides over the sleek red convertible. “It’s beautiful in a way.”

“It is,” he agrees with a curt nod. “As for whether I have a driver’s license, who do you think drove your brother to get his driver’s license?”

I turn to face him. “You did?”