Page 6 of Wild Love

“Daniel.” He pulls me into a bear hug. “How are you?”

Since we already traveled this road twice today, I answer differently this time. “I’m craving a tequila shot.”

I’ve already told him in no uncertain terms that I’m fine, but Dominick knows this day isn’t one I get through easily. My dad was my hero. He’s the greatest man who ever lived, and his absence has created a void in my life, but I’m doing what I promised him I’d do before he died. I’m creating a life that he’d be proud of.

Dominick steps back to skim a hand over the lapel of my suit jacket. “I told Arietta I’d be back in our room soon, but Gina was headed down to one of the bars. Tequila ranks high on her favorites.”

He’s wrong.

Gina prefers a glass of wine to anything else. I first learned about her affinity for a full-bodied red twelve years ago when I was invited to one of the infamous Calvetti family lunches at the restaurant that bears their surname.

Gina was too young to legally drink anything alcoholic, but she poured a splash of wine into a coffee mug in the kitchen when she thought no one was watching.

I was, and called her out for it after lunch was over.

She begged me not to tell anyone. I teased her that I would, and she called me an asshole.

I took some twisted pleasure in riling her up back then.

I still do.

“You should join her,” he suggests. “Did you see how many guys were checking her out in the restaurant? I’d feel better knowing you were watching over her.”

Gina is twenty-eight and more than capable of taking care of herself.

If he followed her socials, he’d know that. She aced a kickboxing class last year.

She has serious self-defense skills.

“You two can catch up,” he pitches another reason why I should join his sister for a drink. “A lot has changed in her life since you left town.”

“Like what?” I spit out a little too quickly.

Dominick doesn’t notice my eagerness because he’s preoccupied with getting back to his fiancée. The fact that he’s been glancing at his watch every twenty seconds is the dead giveaway.

Curious about what’s different in Gina’s life since I left New York, I nod. “Do you know what bar she’s in?”

He reaches toward the inner pocket of his suit jacket. “I’ll send her a text and find out.”

Shaking my head, I pat the center of his chest. “No need. I’ll surprise her.”

There’s a good chance she’ll leave the bar if she knows I’m headed in her direction, but maybe Lady Luck is smiling down on me tonight, and I’ll convince Gina to have a shot of tequila with me.

“You’re a good man, Daniel.” Dominick wraps a hand around the back of my neck. “That’s why you’re my best man.”

This touchy feely version of my best friend is new to me, but so far, I like it a lot. “If I ever get married, I expect you to be my best man.”

I toss that out there even though the odds of that happening are slim to none.

“I’m looking forward to it.” He smiles. “I need to get back to Arietta. I wanted to stop in and make sure you’re doing all right considering the day and all.”

“I’m good,” I say honestly. “I’ll catch up with Gina for a drink and then call it a night.”

He laughs. “It’s early. You’re single. Why not take advantage of everything this city has to offer?”

“I’ll see where the night takes me.”

“Wherever that is, make sure you meet up with us in the morning for brunch because Arietta wants all of us there together. Eleven o’clock sharp, Daniel.”