“Sadly, we know each other.”
Julian shoots daggers at me.
“I can’t believe Julian never said anything. He knows how obsessed I am with your…everything!”
“Oh, you are?” I ask.
“Of course I am! Ask Julian. He always gets pissed when I watch your show at my desk during my lunch break.”
“Why do you think that is?”
Sam scoffs. “Beats me.”
I laugh.
“It’s not like he couldn’t learn a thing or two from you. Seriously. I love what you did last season with the Mayhem Manor. It’s one of my favorite designs, and the one I keep coming back to anytime I need some inspiration.”
“With Julian’s designs, that must be often.”
Sam barks out a laugh while Julian glares at me.
I turn away and take Sam off speaker. “Sam, listen. I hate to cut you off, but I have a special request and not a lot of time.”
“Name it.” Sam speaks with conviction.
“Whatever Julian tells you to do, don’t. At least not with the Founder’s house.”
“But he’s my boss.”
“Are you up for a new job? Because I’ll hire you—”
“That’s enough.” Julian snatches the phone from my hand. “Sam, I’ll call you back tomorrow. Sorry again about bothering you this late.”
“But—” Sam’s panicked voice disappears as Julian hangs up.
“Sweet guy. Out of curiosity, how much do you pay him?”
His eyes narrow. “You’re not stealing my assistant.”
“I mean, is it considered stealing if he wants to leave?”
Julian’s frown deepens. “If you like the house, then you’ll have to put in a competitive offer.”
“But you’re a billionaire.”
“Sohow the hell am I supposed to outbid you?”
He strokes his chin like an evil villain. “I see your point.”
“Great. Now if you’ll do me a solid and pretend you never saw the house, I’ll be forever indebted to you.”
“Forever indebted to me?” His voice lowers, awakening hundreds of butterflies from their cocoons.
Hell. Freaking. No.
I tilt my head back. “Let me have this one.Please.”