“Te quiero, Papi.”
Te quiero con todo, mi corazón:I love you with everything, my heart.
Te extraño mucho, Papi:I miss you so much, Dad.
“What’s up with you?” Lily plucks the remote from my hand and shuts off the TV mid-episode.
“Why did you do that?”
“Because you’re not paying attention.”
I cross my arms over my PJs. “Yes, I was.”
“Yeah, right. You didn’t even flinch when the capo decapitated that guy with a machete.”
She raises a brow. “So youalwayslook away when they get to the gory parts.”
I release a heavy sigh that has her snapping her fingers.
“There! That’s the fifth time tonight you’ve done that.”
My head drops back against the couch.
“Does this have to do with your trip to San Francisco tomorrow?” Lily sits sideways on the couch.
“Am I that obvious?”
“A little bit.”
“I should be happy about how quickly everything is moving, but every time I think about leaving…”
“You wish you could stay?”
The pain in my chest intensifies. “Yeah, but then I feel torn between wanting my show and wishing I could live here.”
As much as I love my show and expanding my brand, I love the idea of staying in Lake Wisteria more.
Lily tucks her legs beneath her. “Why not have both?”
My eyebrows knit together. “The production company is based out of California.”
“So? Lots of shows are filmed in other states and countries. I’m sure they could make some changes to make both sides happy.”
I scoff. “I’m not exactly in the position to be making demands.” After my former production company pulled out of the deal, the last thing I want to do is upset Archer by making changes to the original plan.
“You could at least ask and see what they say.”
Lily doesn’t let me finish my train of thought. “What’s the worst that can happen?”
“They tell me to get lost?”