Watching him battle his demons is like staring at my reflection for the first time.
Goose bumps spread across my skin, and the hair on the back of my neck rises as I come to grips with my biggest fault.
I love Rafa, but I don’t want to end up like him, blaming myself for a failed relationship years later while struggling with trust issues.
God no.
Heavy pounding in the distance startles me.
“Are you expecting someone else?”
Rafa stands. “No, but you are.”
When Rafa texted me ten minutes ago, letting me know that Dahlia stopped by his place, I headed straight over. Something about his cryptic message made me worry.
I lift my fist to slam it against the door again, only for it to swing open before my hand makes contact.
Dahlia steps outside and shuts the door behind her. “Rafa texted you?”
“Yes. Are you okay?” I scan her face for any telltale signs of distress.
“He told me you were crying.”
“Crying?” She sounds as confused as she looks.
“Or not?”
“He was goading you.”
Damn him.
“You came all the way out here because you thought I was upset?”
I rub the back of my neck. “Yeah.”
Her unreadable expression has me speaking up again. “So you’re okay then?”
“Yeah. I had a couple of questions I wanted to ask him.”
“About what?”
She tucks her hands in the pockets of her winter jacket. “Mind if we walk and talk for a bit?”
“Could we check out the animals? It’s been a while since I’ve seen Penelope.” Dahlia tilts her head in the direction of the barn.
The sound of our boots crushing the grass beneath our feet fills the quiet, although it only lasts a minute before I ruin it.
“Does he know about your test?”
“Yeah.” She stares straight ahead.