His lips curl. “Did I strike a chord?”
I force my mouth shut.
Dahlia stares at me for a solid ten seconds without blinking. “Strawberry Sweetheart?”
My hands curl by my sides.
She frowns. “My contact name on your phone doesn’t stand for Satan’s Spawn, does it?”
Mierda. No wonder she is hesitant about falling in love with me if she thinks her contact information on my phone meansthat.
Roberts unlocks the door with a special sparkle in his eyes. “You’re both free to go, although I’m not sure you will feel that way once you see your mothers.”
“Gracias por eso, pendejo,” I mutter under my breath.
Gracias por eso, pendejo:Thanks for that, dick.
Dahlia drags her feet behind me as Roberts leads us through the station. She prolongs the inevitable by asking to use the restroom and grabbing a drink of water, which only excites Roberts more.
“Good luck.” He walks back to his desk, where he can watch our mothers’ reactions with glee.
Dahlia cringes at the expression on her mother’s face as we walk up to them. “Mami.”
“Not here,” she hisses before walking outside. It’s still dark, which means we couldn’t have spent too long in the cell, although it sure felt like forever.
Dahlia follows behind her mother with slumped shoulders while mine locks elbows with me and whistles.
“¿En la camioneta de tu papá? ¿En serio?”
“I didn’t think you had something like that in you.”
I trip over my feet.
She swats my arm with a laugh. “It’s okay. That truck has seen a lot of miles over the years, so I’m not one to judge, although it’s a good thing you redid the whole interior.”
A full-body shudder rolls through me as we walk outside to find Rosa raising her arms in the air and whisper-shouting while Dahlia’s eyes drop to her boots.
“I raised you better than that.”
¿En la camioneta de tu papá? ¿En serio?:In your dad’s truck? Seriously?
Dahlia flinches.
“I expect something like this from your sister, but you?Nunca en mi vida.”
“Perdón, Mami.”
“The whole town is going to know about this by tomorrow morning.”
Dahlia looks as excited about the idea as I probably do.
Rosa’s arms flail. “What will I say when Father Anthony asks how I feel about my daughter going to hell for premarital sex?”
“Do me a favor and ask him if the weather is hot all year round so I can plan my outfits accordingly.”
“Dahlia Isabella Muñoz!¡No empieces conmigo!”