Page 184 of Love Redesigned

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Not now, and maybe not ever.

I hadn’t meant to confess my feelings when I barely understand them myself, but Julian didn’t give me much of an option.

Now look at the mess you got yourself into.

“Do you plan on acting like you didn’t admit that you’re falling in love with me?”

“Seems on brand for me.”

“Seems like bullshit.”

I flinch. He reaches out for my trembling hand again and gives it a reassuring squeeze I don’t entirely deserve.

Which is exactly why you’re going to pack your bags and go back to San Francisco before either one of you gets hurt.

Except my plan quickly falls apart when my chest aches at pushing Julian away like he did to me all those years ago.

He deserves better than that from you.

I jolt at the deputy knocking on the window with his flashlight. “As entertaining as this show is, wrap it up. It’s cold out here, and I’m losing my patience.”

My nails bite into my thighs. “God. I hate this man, and I don’t even know him.”

“Consider that a blessing.”

I hop out of the truck on shaky legs. The brisk December breeze hits me, making me shiver.

“Dahlia Muñoz?” A deputy I don’t recognize calls my name. “Surprised to see you here.”

“Um, where’s Ben?” I scan the police cruiser parked beside Julian’s truck for the man I planned the prank with.

He shoots me a confused look. “Last I heard, he was answering another call.”

“Oh. Does he plan on coming here to back you up?” Maybe Lily changed the plan at the last minute so I wouldn’t give anything away.

That little shit.I wouldn’t put it past her.

“I think I can handle this civil disturbance on my own.”

My stomach churns. “Civil disturbance?”

“Someone called to report two people having sex in a public parking lot.”

Despite the chilly temperature outside, I break out into a sweat.

Julian walks around the back of the truck and stands beside me without touching me. “Deputy Roberts.”

“Julian,” the deputy sneers. “I thought it was you, but I wasn’t sure with the dark tints.”


I can tell based on Julian’s rigid posture and the way Deputy Roberts reaches for his taser that these two have history.

The really,reallybad kind.

“What can we do for you?” Julian grazes his pinky against mine.

I’m here, he silently says.