“That’s a relief, seeing as the upscale restaurant options in town are probably closed for the night.”
“Maybe another time.” I wink.
“What about Early Bird?”
“That’s perfect.”
Julian holds the tent flap back for me, turning my stomach into a ball of knots.
It’s not too late to cancel everything.
I give my head a hard shake. There is no way in hell I’m skipping out on the opportunity to pull the ultimate prank, especially after what he did to me in the attic.
“Should we go in two cars or one?” I bat my lashes.
His thick swallow nearly makes me drop my cover. “You could drop yours off at your house, and I’ll drive us to the diner.”
“Sounds good to me.”
I pull out my phone and shoot Lily a text.
Plan is a go.
My phone vibrates from an incoming call from my agent before we make it out the front door.
“Give me a second,” I tell Julian before answering. “Hey, Jamie.”
“Dahlia! How are you?”
“Good. And you?”
“Doing well. I know it’s late, but I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to call you.”
My heart rate increases with each beat. “What’s up?”
“We got a new offer.”
Julian’s face strains as he tries to listen, so I put Jamie on speakerphone to save him the trouble. “An offer from who?”
“Archer Media.”
“No way.” The Creswells always complained about their growing web of networks and record-breaking viewer numbers.
Julian pulls out his phone and taps away while I process Jamie’s news. Until I have a contract in my hand, I probably won’t believe Archer Media wants to work with me, especially after being burned once before.
She laughs. “They’re in the market for a show like yours for their fixer-upper network.”
“And the best part? They’re willing to pay you double what you made with your last contract.”
My lips part.