“Maybe a pocket pussy in your nightstand drawer?”
His entire face turns red. “A pocket—you know what? Screw this.” He throws the door open and steps out of the way. “Go ahead.”
My feet remain firmly planted against the floor as I take in his bedroom from the doorway. I blink a few times to be sure.
“You… This…”
Julian’s eyes shut. “I can explain. It’s…” His voice drifts off, along with his confidence.
I take a few steps inside and stop in front of the hand-knotted wool rug I designed with Curated Living. It took me a whole month to nail my vision, and I went through hundreds of sketches and samples before everything clicked.
The same can be said for most of the furniture and custom décor scattered around Julian’s bedroom. Each piece holds a memory of my career, and I find myself getting choked up as I catalog at least one item from each of my collection drops.
He didn’t buy everything, because that would have been excessive, but he purchased enough to prove that he followed each launch and chose a favorite.
A burst of warmth barrels through my chest, stronger than any solar flare.
He supported your dreams without you knowing it.
I blink away the mistiness in my eyes before turning to him.
“I thought you weren’t a fan.” My voice cracks.
“Of the show? Fuck no.” He scowls.
His eyes drop to the hardwood floor.
I walk up to his dresser and run my finger across the edge of the ceramic bowl I designed. “Why were you afraid of how I would react to your shrine?”
“That’s not what this is.” He stumbles over the words.
I laugh. “Then what would you call it?”
“An appreciation of someone who deserves it.”
If he keeps talking that way, I might do something incredibly stupid and fall in love with him.
You have rules for a reason. Stick to them.
The tightness in my throat only worsens as I take a tour of his room, freaking out internally over the pieces he chose.
I readjust an already balanced lampshade before turning it on. “You have stuff here from my very first launch.”
“I know.”
“How long have you been following my career?”
“Since you first learned your ABCs and 123s?”
I shake my head with a laugh. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I. I was always invested in your success.”
“Even when you were hell-bent on beating me at everything?”