Page 133 of Love Redesigned

If I’m going to crash and burn, Julian isn’t my first choice for an eyewitness, but at least he knows me well enough to expect the worst.

Nice job finding the silver lining.

I have an extra bounce in my step as I follow Julian outof the coffee shop. Main Street is dead, with a majority of the shops remaining closed for the post-Harvest Festival blues, also known as cleanup day.

By the time we make it halfway to Julian’s office, I’m trembling from the slight chill in the air and the iced coffee in my hand.

“You good?” He peeks over at me.

“Yup. Just cold.” I struggle with a button on the front of my pink tweed jacket.

His suggestive gaze explores my body. “Where’s your coat?”

“It clashed with my outfit.”

Julian catches me off guard as he places his iced coffee on a nearby bench and sheds his coat. He grabs my cup and does the same before helping my right arm into the sleeve of his jacket.

Two sweet gestures in a span of ten minutes? If this is the kind of treatment I get after a make-out session, I can’t imagine what will happen once I finally suck his cock.

“Do you plan on sticking around for winter now that the TV deal fell through?” Julian’s loaded question seems to kill two birds with one stone as he fixes the jacket to cover my broken arm.

I nudge him with my hip. “Why? Are you trying to get rid of me already?”

“I haven’t gotten started with you yet.” His tongue darts out to trace his bottom lip.

My body floods with warmth, banishing the chill.

Who needs a winter coat when a few sentences from Julian have my temperature spiking like I’m running a fever?

When we stop outside his office building, he doesn’t make a comment about the blinds being closed as he pulls out a set of keys from his pocket and incorrectly interprets the reason for my trembling fingers, swapping my iced coffee for his key.

“Open the door.”

Despite my shakiness, I unlock the door on the second try. I step inside and flip the switch as Julian crosses over the entryway.

The Christmas lights reflect off his dark eyes and face, basking him in a warm glow as he takes in the lobby. “Holy shit.”

Out of all the pranks we have pulled on each other over the years, this might be my absolute favorite, and that’s saying something since I managed to temporarily dye his skin blue during high school.

“When did you do all this?” He walks up to Sam’s gift-wrapped desk.

“Lily and our moms helped yesterday morning before the festival.”

“My mom was in on this?”

“How else would we have gotten a key after you banned Sam from lending me his?”

He tries so hard to frown, but it’s a losing battle against the smile slowly stretching across his face as he takes in the array of decorations mounting the walls, furniture, and fireplace behind Sam’s desk.

“Do you hate it?” I ask.

“With every fiber of my being.”

“Will you tear it down?”

“Come January first.”

I laugh. “Wait until you see your office.”