Mrs. Creswell’s long blink is so unlike her. “And you are?”
“Julian Lopez. My ex-roommate and Dahlia’s new boyfriend.” Oliver manages to keep his sneering to a minimum.
“A new boyfriend already? How fast.”
“I’m sure Oliver can speak from firsthand experience on what it’s like to meet your soulmate, seeing as he got engaged and married all in the same hour.” Julian tucks me closer against him.
Most likely sensing the tension, Mrs. Creswell beckons a cameraman over in the worst attempt to diffuse it. “Oh, great. Let’s take a photo for the papers. Everyone gather around.”
Julian swoops me to the side before the flash goes off, leaving the Creswells gaping and gawking.
“Say the words and we’re out of here.” He cups my chin.
“Did you see the look on his face right now?”
He traces my bottom lip with his thumb. “I did.”
“You’re the best.”
He returns my smile with one of his own. A flash goes off, capturing our intimate moment.
Julian peeks over my shoulder. “Oliver is hating every second of this.”
“On a scale of one to ten?”
“At least a nine.”
“Surely we can do better than that. I want him screaming, crying, and throwing up all at the same time.”
“You’re a vicious little thing, but I love you for it.”
“I’ll show you vicious.” I grab him by his tux lapels and pull him down so I can kiss him.
Julian’s palm finds the small of my back, and he holds me tight as he matches my brutal pace. His kiss is one of passion and possession, making my body tingle and my head spin as our mouths fuse together.
Julian pours everything into every single one of his kisses, making me feel loved, admired, and appreciated.
He is exactly what I want from a partner and more, and I can’t wait to see where this next stage of our life takes us.
“Shit. Where can I find myself someone who kisses me likethat?” Arthur asks with a shout, making my cheeks burn.
Julian tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I spent ten years searching, so best of luck to you.”
Arthur fans himself. “If you don’t marry Julian, I will.”
“Talk about marrying him again and see what happens.”
Arthur holds his hands up. “Okay,vicious little thing. Put those acrylic claws away before someone gets hurt.”
The only time I leave Dahlia alone is to get us some drinks. Thankfully, she has a few good people in her corner, so I’m able to wait by the bar without worrying over her.
“Did Oliver get the house?” a woman asks beside me.
“He finally pushed the seller into a deal, and we’re supposed to go under contract on Monday,” says the dainty voice that I assume belongs to Olivia.