“What if he doesn’t?” She leans back. “No offense, but I’m more concerned aboutyoumaking the wrong one if you decide to push him away.”
My brows rise. “What?”
“Men like Julian don’t come often, so you should be thanking your lucky stars that he stayed in this small town, because if he had moved away, someone would have surely snatched him up by now. That much I know.”
The idea of him being with someone else makes me physically ill.
That’s because you love him.
But if my love wasn’t enough to save a doomed relationship before, what makes this time any different?
Falling in love with Julian was easy, but forgiving myself and moving on from a past that still haunts me?
Damn near impossible.
Instead of going home, I drive over to Rafa’s house. I’m not sure who is more surprised by my visit—me or him—although he welcomes me inside without making a big deal of it.
Nico and I spend five minutes catching up before Rafa orders him back to bed.
“Love you!” Nico throws his arms around me for one last hug before running to his room.
“I’m sorry to stop by unannounced like this,” I blurt out as Rafa steers me toward the living room.
“It made Nico happy, so it’s fine, but don’t make a habit of it.”
I laugh. “Wouldn’t dare.”
“Can I get you something to drink? We’ve got water, aguas frescas, and alcohol.”
“I’m good.”
“Suit yourself.” He drops onto the comfy leather seat across from the couch and pulls out his phone for the second time tonight.
I take a seat, my posture stiff, while he taps at the screen before swapping it for a beer.
“Thanks again for not shooing me away or something.”
“Not sure you would have left regardless.” He lifts his beer in a mock toast. “So, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know how to ask this without being rude—”
“We’re practically family, so I’m still obligated to forgive you regardless.”
“Fair point.”
“Does your visit have something to do with my cousin?” he asks.
I blink a few times. “Sort of.”
“I thought as much.”
“But it’s also about…you know…the thing I told you…” I stammer.
“About not being able to have kids of your own?”
I let out a sigh of relief. “Yes.”
“What about it?” His tone remains nonchalant.