“Turns out I’d rather build a home with you than a thousand houses by myself.”
She turns away with a sniffle.
I cup her chin and turn her head toward me. “What part ofI’m falling in love with youare you not understanding?”
“The part where you give up your whole life here for me.”
“Life without you is hardly considered a life at all, so I’m not giving up anything by following you to San Francisco.”
“No, but by being with me, you’d be giving up the chance at having your own family.” She stares at her lap like it holds the secrets of the world.
“Is that what this is really about?”
Her face remains blank, but the vein in her neck throbs.
Why didn’t you consider that sooner?
“You think I’ll regret being with you because you can’t have kids of your own?”
“Iknowyou will because it’s already happened once before.”
“I already told you I don’t want to have kids that way.”
She shakes her head. “This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone tell me that.”
I could find a hundred different ways to tell her I careenough to choose her, but none of them matter unless I find a way toshowher.
Pro: She could find my list romantic.
Con: She may reject me anyway after I reveal one of my biggest secrets.
Shut up and show her.
I pull out my phone and open the note-taking app. “Here.”
She grabs it from me and reads over the first few lines of text. “You’ve been working on a pro-con list aboutme?”
I nod.
“Pro: She sucks at chess. Seriously?” Her nose scrunches.
“Not my fault you started every single game with the queen’s pawn opening. Change it up every now and then.”
She returns to the list. “Pro: I like her enough to attend Stanford too.” She looks at me for a few seconds without blinking. “You chose Stanford because of me?”
“Yes. You liked California, and I liked you, so it made sense.”
She shakes her head in disbelief. “How long have you been working on this?”
“Since sometime after you started competing for the Strawberry Sweetheart pageant.”
She blinks. “That was over a decade ago.”
“I’m aware.”
“But why?”
“Informed decision-making is my thing.”