You need to take things slow, I tell myself while dragging my tongue across hers.
You’re supposed to wait until her arm is cleared. I groan as she slides a hand over the material covering my cock.
Stop before you can’t anymore. I rip my mouth away from hers, earning the sweetest frustrated sigh.
Only a few more seconds, I promise as I tug on her hair and expose her neck.
She teases my cock, brushing the tips of her fingers across it while I kiss, nip, and suck on the column of her throat.
She latches on to my hair and yanks hard enough to have my head snap.
“Hey.” I rub at the sore spot.
“My mom would freak out if she saw a hickey.”
“Perfect time of year for a scarf.” I lean in, only for her to hold me back with a single finger to the middle of my forehead.
“Who knew you were so desperate to mark me?”
“Your neck might be off the table, but your ass is still fair game.”
Her eyes widen.
I brush my index finger across the red blotchy skin of her neck. “Would you like that?”
“Not sure, but I’m up for finding out.”
“I’ll hold you to thatafteryou get your cast off.”
“Fine.” Her deep sigh of resignation can probably be heard a mile away. “I better get to work anyway. I’m on a tight deadline for my décor launch, and I don’t want to miss it.”
“See you at the Founder’s house later?” I ask before shedisappears out the door.
“I want to check on a few things and make sure we’re still on schedule.”
“Still itching to get me out of here?” Her eyes glimmer.
“You knew about that?”
“There was only one reasonable explanation for why you wanted to get the project finished in half the time.”
“Perhaps I should slow things down, then.” Now that I admittedly want to spend time with Dahlia, there is no reason to rush things.
What happened to keeping things casual?The small, paranoid voice in my head asks.
“Why—” Her question is cut off by the rattling of keys. “I need to see Sam’s reaction! Bye!” She darts around the corner, leaving me alone with the silliest smile on my face.
I’m not sure if Ryder hired another male carpenter to spite me, but he’s lucky I need him, or else I’d fire him.
Hell, I’m tempted to do so to prove a point.
The attractive carpenter leans into Dahlia’s side under the guise of getting a better peek at her drawing.
My blood pressure spikes. “You there. With the goatee.” I keep my voice neutral, although my stiff posture seems to draw Dahlia’s attention.
The carpenter beside her looks up. “Me?”