Page 8 of Marked for Sin

Her cell was well constructed, the walls were triple cemented, the bars made from pure steel. It was the perfect cell for a vampire—even they had their limits and these cells were constructed for just that purpose.

“Let me out of here!” she snarled. “If my family finds out where I am, there is no amount of praying you can do to prevent them coming down on you.”

The vampire was thinly built, her hair dark red to the point it almost looked nearly black. She wore black biker pants and a black tank top. While she angrily shouted, her fangs showed themselves. She pointed and yelled while she called me a little blonde haired bitch. I ignored the vile, disgusting creature.

“Silence, demon!” My father commanded. “Our Father delivered you into our hand and saved us from one of your kind today.”

“One of my kind, you say?” The woman's head tilted to the side and flashed a small grin. She quickly turned her face toward me and began to giggle. “Soon, more vampires will find this place and you allwilldie. My family will find out who took me away from them and then the massacre will begin.”

She slowly made her way to the corner laughing more hysterically than ever.

“Demon, I command you this instant to stop that laughter. What is so funny? You are behind these bars and you will never see the light of day again!”

She lifted her head slowly, looking over her shoulder with her eyes meeting mine. “You don't know my family. To say it kindly, if you don't let me go, you and your little family are fucked.”

She then, leisurely turned and leaned back against the wall with both hands clasped behind her head without a care in the world.

“My family is just like me, vampires who take whatever they want. When they find out that you have me, they will rip through you like a tsunami and I will enjoy drinking the remnants of blood left behind,” she laughed. “But it gets worse. If my family gets the higher ups involved and manage to bring all of our clan, you’ll quickly come to find that some of them are even more ruthless than we are.”

My father angrily clapped his hands before standing in front of the cage demon. “We are not afraid of you and your kind. We are righteous and pure, nothing you do can harm us.”

A deep laugh escaped her as she intensely looked into my father’s eyes. My father trembled subtly with fear making my eyes widen. It was the first time I had ever seen him afraid.

“Father, let's go. She is upsetting you.” I grabbed his shoulder, attempting to pull him away from the bars when she straightened and walked over to us.

“Let's just say, I'm the nicest one out of all of us. So, I just wanted to look you and your daughter in the eyes before I warn you again. They are coming.”



The booze finally wore off and I was awake, moody and hungry. My thirst was causing my stomach to cramp while I walked through the mansion and made my way outside. I was met by the warming rays of the sun which only added to the headache I had. I walked straight to the back yard across the grass to the plantation style house behind our mansion. It was where our servants lived, they alternated shifts with keeping the mansion in order while we operated on the upper levels.

The servants were afraid of us but every so often if we felt the want or need one of them was chosen to become one of us. I walked in and the place instantly became silent. I walked around searching for someone to quench my sexual desire. After looking at their faces, there was only one that stood out. I grabbed the young black girl by the hand.

It was her smile that caught my attention. It reminded me of Chastity's. She had a head full of hair and beautiful caramel skin. She instantly began screeching with excitement, verbally expressing under her breath that today that she was to become a vampire. Her ramblings annoyed me. I didn't smile. I was hungry andnotexcited. I led her inside of the house where we could be alone. I figured I would start slow and kissed her. She kissed me back, forcing her tongue into my mouth and rubbing my face with her little hands like she didn’t know what she wanted to touch first. She pulled back and stared me in the eyes with too much emotion.

“I have been waiting for this for years. I have always wanted to be one of you. I just knew one day, you would see me. Maybe after this, we could be together. I would make a great girlfriend. Oh my god, you are so hot!” she squealed in delight.

I let her spew out her praises. It uplifted my mood for a moment. I remained quiet as she rubbed her hand under my shirt to feel my abs.

“Oh yes, this is exactly the way I envisioned this going,” she said with bright eyes. “Are you going to let me have some of your cock too? I promise I'm a good lay. Well, no one ever said I was a bad lay. So, that means I'm good. I have only been with three other guys and neither of them were vampires. Can I see your cock? I bet it's super big and I mean I like a little pain, but I don't know how far I will stretch.”

I couldn't take her constant breakneck speed rambling. It was driving me insane and brought back the headache. Every time her mouth opened she became more annoying by the minute.

“Just shut the fuck up!” I yelled, grabbing her neck with one hand. The nail on my pinky finger pierced her skin and blood trickled. With audacity, she twisted her neck and pushed her hair to the side for me to bite her.

“Precious little familiar, I shall give you immortality this day and I promise it's going to hurt,” I croaked out, thirsty beyond reason. But while I held her, my mind began replaying the face of Chastity’s voluptuous lips and her beautiful eyes which seemed to stare straight through me. I shook the thoughts from my head and continued.

With a quick motion I sank my teeth into her neck and my grip tightened around her shoulders to hold her in place. She moaned in pleasure as I began to gulp down her crimson life force. I pushed her into the side of the closest wall as her legs began to twitch, weakening beneath her. With every pull of my mouth, the blood fed the gnawing hunger inside of me.

I should be thinking about how good the familiar tasted, but my mind was instead engulfed in everything that was Chastity. No matter how I tried, I couldn't forget her.

The familiar’s hand began to rub over my dick, making me harden and I dropped her.

“Now that I’m one of you, let me show you my gratitude,” she pleaded wantonly, positioning me against the wall.

She ran her hand over my cock again before unzipping my pants. Her hand rubbed me vigorously until I was fully erect, springing from the opening. It pulsated as she lightly licked the tip before placing me fully inside of her mouth and began sucking. I leaned my head back, grabbing her head as my mind thought about Chastity on her knees, begging to pleasure me. Her tongue slid up and down my shaft while her hand grabbed my hardened dick in a tight grip and began to stroke it at the same speed as her mouth.