Page 45 of Marked for Sin

“Oh my word,” he let out.

She slowly got on her knees in front of him. His eyes widened and his hand found its way to the back of her head.

“Do you want this demon to suck your dick?” Greed teased. “Am I evil?”

“Yes, yes, I want you,” He replied, his mouth trembling.

His dick twitched as some cum began to drip out of the tip. Greed began licking his cock then slowly inserted his dick in her mouth.

That was when she bit down hard, removing his dick from his body. Blood began to shoot from the newly made wound as his cock fell to the ground. His body began shaking.

“What have you done? You are demons!”

We both could no longer contain our laughter while he held his empty crotch and slid down the front of the cell to his knees.

“What's wrong? Did you think we would pleasure a monster like you? Please don't tell me you were that dumb,” Greed chuckled.

I walked over and kneed him in the face before opening the cell door. Greed grabbed him by his neck and threw him inside before locking him in.

“I will bleed out and die if I don't receive some medical attention immediately!” he yelled.

“You won't die, you’re already dead. Why do you think I turned you?”Greed laughed. “Nowyouare a demon. Now that the compound is dead, who will feed you when you turn?” She tapped her temple before giving him a sadistic grin.

I shook my head at Greed’s genius. “That's right, no one will be here to bring you buckets of meat. So when the blood lust hits, you will be here alone starving, unable to die until—”

I laughed at the revelation of the chain reaction Greed just created. She must have plotted this the entire time of her captivity.

“—You turn on your own self, biting and clawing at your flesh like a trapped animal until you kill yourself,” I continued. “Which is against our religion, isn't it? Well, so is pleasuring yourself to women and I know wanting to fuck a demon isn’t good.”

“You evil demon, you bastards, both of you,” he scorned, but it held no value. Not after the truth was out.

“I thought you wanted the demon to be your play thing? Don't you remember begging for it while touching your prehistoric dick? Too bad no one cares for you and anyone that did is now dead,” I sneered through the bars. “We gave you the chance to let Greed go, but you refused. I begged you for mercy and you beat me nearly until I almost died. Now, we will offer you mercy, the mercy of knowing what is soon to come.”

I bent down and picked up his detached dick, shriveled on the floor bleeding.

“Before, I forget. I think this belongs to you,” I laugh before throwing it into the cell.

“Now do you have any last words for us?” Greed humored him.

“Yes, just one. A day of reckoning is coming for all of you.”

Was he serious? He was still going on about that even in his position?

“That's right,” he continued. “What you do to me won't change it, demons. The people you killed today, their blood is on your hands and you will pay for each life you took. So, go have your fun but you will pay.”

I was tired of hearing this guy ramble. He was wasting our time. “You know what? I have always wanted to tell you something.” I placed my face against the bars.

He sneered at me as he got himself to his feet, swaying. He was going to pass out from blood loss soon. Greed stood beside me in silence besides her low chuckle at the sad specimen before us.

“Shut your motherfucking mouth, you self righteous bastard! You are just a sad old man and the words of someone dead are worth less than nothing,” I growled before turning to leave him to rot in his cell. We turned off the lights and he began screaming as we walked up the stairs until we closed the final door, shutting the sound of his voice out, and walked over to our family who was waiting for us.

* * *


I looked up and saw Greed and Chastity walking toward us as we stood with flames to our back. Pride, Wrath, and Envy and I waited for them to reach us but Chastity took off in a dash and jumped into my arms. I lifted her into the air, slamming my mouth on hers in a passionate kiss. She was my everything. I would burn the world down for her if she asked me to—which she basically did.

“Tell me everything. Did you kill the bastard?” I whispered against her lips, carrying her away from the sanctuary. Damn, I missed having her in my arms. It just felt right. It was where she belonged.